A choke coil of resistance 5ω and inductance 0.6H is in series with a capacitance of 10µF. If a voltage of 200V is applied and the frequency is adjusted to resonance, the current and voltage across the inductance and capacitance are I0, V0 and V1 respectively. We have
An alternating emf of angular frequency is applied to a series LCR circuit. For this frequency of the applied emf, which of the following is not true.
The value of current in two series LCR circuits at resonance is same when connected across a sinusoidal voltage source. Then which of the following is incorrect :
Graph shows variation of source emf V and current i in a series RLC circuit, with time.
In the circuit shown, resistance R = 100Ω, inductance L = 2H/π and capacitance C = 8μF/π are connected in series with an ac source of 200volt and frequency f. If the readings of the hot wire voltmeters V1 and V2 are same then :
In an ac circuit shown below in figure the supply, voltage has a constant rms value V but variable frequency f. At resonance, the circuit
Resonance occurs in a series LCR circuit when the frequency of the applied emf is 1000Hz.
In the given ac circuit, which of the following is incorrect :
Which of the following statements is TRUE? Heat produced in a current carrying conductor depends upon :
In an RLC series circuit shown in figure the reading of voltmeters V1 and V2 are 100V and 120V, respectively. The source voltage is 130V. For this situation, mark out the correct statement(s).