From semi-emprical mass formula, binding energy is given by
If and The value of Z for most stable nuclei for A = 43 is ____________________( an integer)
The meson theory of nuclear forces assumes the virtual exchange ofpions. If a nucleon emits a virtual pion of
rest mass 270 me, where me is rest mass of electron), the range of nuclear forces is________fm. (Upto two
decimal places)
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The spins and parities of ground state of 19k39 and 42Mo95 nucleus are respectively
Hie magnetic dipole moment and electric qiiadrupole moment for around state of 29Cu63 in μN ( Nuclear masneton units) and bam respectively are
What are the expected types of gamma ray transition between tlie following states of odd A nuclei
(1) g9/2 → p1/2
(2) h11/2 → d3/2
Read the following statements:
(I) If a particle X has Isospin I = 3/2, Baryon no. B = 1 and Strangeness no. S = 0 . then the possible values of electric charges for X are +2, -1, 0 and -1.
(II) If the reaction is governed by strong interaction then the third component of Isos- pin. Baryon number and Strangeness number ofXare respectively
(III) The quark content of uus and uss respectively.
Choose the correct option from the following ?
A thermal neutron having speed v impinges on a 235⋃ nucleus. The reaction cross-section is proportional to
The reaction 38Sr89 → 39Y89 + β- + undergoes a first forbidden β - decay by
Match tlie following reactions on the left with the associated interactions on file right.
If the reactions and are governed by weak interactions, then the particle Z in the reaction Y→ Z + X is
If the first excited rotational state of a nucleus has energy equal to 93.3 KeV then the energy ofthe third excited rotational state is approximately equal to______________KeV. (an integer)
For the reaction P + 1H3 → 1H2 + 1H2 , if T1 is threshold kinetic energy of1 H3 when P is target and T2 is threshold kinetic energy of P when 1H3 is target, then the value of T1- T2 is equal to MeV. (upto two decimal places)
A reactor is developing energy at a rate of 3000 kWatt. If on an average, energy of 200 MeV is released per
fission, then tlie weight of U235 used in 1000 hours of operation is___________gm
In a reaction 13AI25 → 12Mg25 + e+ + ve , the atomic masses are given as
mA1 = 19.003576u , mMg = 24 .985839u.
The maximum kinetic energy of the neutrino emitted is___________MeV. (upto two decimal places)
If 86Rn222 nucleus decays at rest by the reaction 86Rn222 → 84Po218 + 2He4 then the kinetic energy of the 84Po218 nucleus is ________________ MeV. (Upto two decimal places)
If the reaction is governed by strong interaction, then the particle X is
Consider the following statements:
P. In reaction , Baryon number, Isospin and third component of Isospin are notcon served.
Q. The reaction proceed via strong interaction.
R. In reaction , Strangeness number and third component of Isospin are not conserved.
S. The reaction proceed via electromagnetic interaction.
Choose the correct option from the following ?
The half life of radon is 3.82 days. If the sample contains initially 2.71 x 1015 atoms, the number of atoms that will disintegrate during die first day are___________x 1014 (upto first decimal places)
Deutxon in a cyclotron describe a circle of radius 0.32 m just before emerging out of the cyclotron. The frequency of cyclotron is 10 MHz. Mass ofdeutron is 3.32 x 10-27 kg and charge is 1.6 x 10-19 coulomb. The velocity of die deuterons emerging out of the cyclotron is____________107 m/s. (an integer)
According to shell model, the ground state and first excited state spin-parity JP and 7N15 are respectively.
1 docs|34 tests
1 docs|34 tests