Amit is 15th from the left end of a row of 25 boys and Sumit is 15th from the right end in same row. How many boys are there between them in the same row?
If you are 9th in the queue starting either end, how many are there in the queue?
Hyderabad is larger than Delhi. Mumbai is larger than Chennai. Bangalore is not as larger as Delhi but smaller than Mumbai. Which isthe smallest city?
Rakesh is taller than Hari. Mohit is taller than Rakesh. Dev is taller than Hari. Surya is the tallest. If they arranged according to their heights, who will be in the middle?
P is older than Q but younger than R. S is younger than T but older than P. If R is younger than S, who is the oldest?
Tony knows more than Rekha, Mona knows as much as Neha. Shikha knows less than Vibha. Rekha knows more than Neha. Who is the best knowledgeable person?
Monu, Miku, Sonu and Aman appeared in an examination. Marks obtained by Monu were less than the marks obtained by Miku. Aman marks were more than those of Miku, but notmore than the marks obtained by Aman. Who get the second highest marks?
Study the following figure and answer the questions given below.
How many doctors are neither artists nor players ?
Study the following figure and answer the questions given below.
How many doctors are both players and artists?
Study the following figure and answer the questions given below.
Q. How many artists are players ?
Study the following figure and answer the questions given below.
Q. How many players are neither artists nor doctors ?
Study the following figure and answer the questions given below.
Q. How many artists are neither players nor doctors ?
Study the following figure and answer the questions given below:
Q. By which letter, the married teachers who live in joint family are represented ?
Study the following figure and answer the questions given below:
Q. By which letter, the married people who live in joint family but not are school teachers are represented ?
Study the following figure and answer the questions given below:
Q. By which letter, the people who live in joint family but are neither married nor teachers are represented ?
Study the following figure and answer the questions given below.
Q. If hospital management requires only married trained nurses for operation theater, which part of diagram should be chosen by him ?
Study the following figure and answer the questions given below.
Q. By which number, married but untrained nurses in the hospital are represented?
Study the following figure and answer the questions given below.
Q. By which numbers trained nurses are represented ?
Study the following figure and answer the questions given below.
Q. What is represented by the number 7 ?
Study the following figure and answer the questions given below.
Q. By which number, the trained unmarried nurses in the hospital are represented ?