In the given QBASIC statement, which is the variable?
What will the output of the given QBASIC program?
LET R$ = P$ + Q$
Identify the number of row which has an arrow.
10 REM A program to find the even and odd numbers
20 CLS
30 INPUT “Enter number”, a
40 IF A%2= 0 THEN
50 PRINT A;”is even number”
70 PRINT A; “is odd numbers’
80 END
Which of the following operators are used in conditional statement?
Ankit wrote the given program in QBASIC. But while executing it, an error occurred. Identify the error.
10 LET A$ = “INDIA”
20 LET B$= A$+”1”
30 PRINT B$$
Which of the following is a valid numeric constant?
Which of the following BASIC commands is used to enter values while the program is being executed?
What is the output of the following program?
age =10
Age = age +1
LOOP WHILE age < 10
In high resolution mode, the screen is divided into ______ horizontal and ______ vertical pixels.
When you use a ______ in a PRINT statement, the items are printed without any spaces between them
In high resolution mode, what are the coordinates for the bottom right corner of the screen?
In this mode, a QBASIC statement is executed as soon as you press the key. It is the ______.
What is the shortcut key to run a QBASIC program?
Which of the following are relational operators?
In the above program, what value does nm$ variable hold?
What will be the output of the following statement?
PRINT NM$, age
For placing a comment in a program, we use ______.
Which statement is used to set the resolution of the display screen?
Which of the following is NOT a valid Screen mode?
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