What is the name of water which flows under gravity?
Which zone is the most important from an irrigation point of view?
By what type of forces the soil grains retain water on their surfaces?
How many days are generally taken to obtain field capacity after free gravity drainage?
Based on loose chemical bonds, what is the name of the part of field capacity water?
Based on surface tension, what is the name of the part of field capacity water?
Determine the volume of water stored in unit area if unit weight of water is 9.8 KN/m3, dry unit of soil is 17 KN/m3, field capacity (F) is 2.35 m2, and depth of root zone of the plant is 9 m.
Determine the field capacity, when the unit weight of water is 9.8 KN/m3, and volume of water stored in unit area of soil is 28 m3, the dry unit weight of soil is 18 KN/m3, and the depth of root zone of the plant is 7 m.
What is the name of actual available water to the plants?
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