If the value of rate of change of specific energy is 7.79×10-4 m and Sf = 0.00013, calculate the value of bed slope.
Calculate the rate of change of depth of a triangular channel if the depth is 4m and the side slope is1H:2V. Given:S0 = 1 in 1500;Sf = 0.00004 and n=0.010.
Determine the rate of change of depth of a rectangular channel having dimensions 2m×3m and the velocity of flow is 2 m/s.
Given: S0 = 1 in 500 and Sf = 0.0007.
Calculate the value of bed slope of a trapezoidal channel having depth 2m and width 2.5m with a side slope of 1H:3V. Given: dy/dx = 1.43×10-3; Sf = 0.00002; V = 1.5 m/s.
The dimensions of a rectangular channel section is 2.5m×1m. Calculate the rate of change of specific energy if the rate of change of depth is 1.52×10-3m.
Calculate the rate of change of depth of a rectangular channel having depth 1m and width 4m. Given: C = 40, S0 = 1/900, Sf = 0.0005
Calculate the value of Sf for a trapezoidal channel having depth 2m, width 5m and side slope of 1H:1.5V. Given: dy/dx=1.18×10-3, S0 = 1 in 1000, C = 50.
Calculate the velocity of flow in a triangular channel having depth 7m and the side slope of the channel is 1H:4V if the bed slope of the channel is 1 in 1200 and the slope of the energy line is 0.00010. Given:( dy)/dx=7.55m.
The dimensions of a rectangular channel section is 2.5m×1m. Calculate the value of Sf if the bed slope of the channel is 1 in 600. Given: dy/dx = 1.52×10-3m.
Calculate the value of rate of change of specific energy for a triangular channel having depth 3.5m and the side slope is 1H:2V. Given:V = 2.5 m/s, dy/dx = 8.6×10-4.
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