राता-माता नाम का, पीया प्रेम अघाय।
मतवाला दीदार का, माँगै मुक्ति बलाय।।
इस पंक्ति में अघाय का अर्थ है?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा विलोम युग्म सही नहीं है ?
Fill in the blanks with the correct verb that agrees with the subject in the following sentences:
(i) Each student _______ informed about the cultural programme.
(ii) Neither Ravi nor I _______ any interest in this project.
(a) was
(b) were
(c) has
(d) have
Which of the following option would be meaningful order of the following words?
1. Doctor
2. Fever
3. Prescribe
4. Diagnose
5. Medicine
Directions: A statement is given followed by two inferences I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true even if it seems to be at variance with commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given inferences, if any, follow from the given statement.
Statement: Many students are addicted to mobile games and this leads to poor academic performance.
I. Many Students are not paying attention to studies due to mobile games.
II. It is only because of mobile games that students fail in the examination.
‘नदी’ का विभक्ति सहित बहुवचन क्या होगा?
Direction: Direct-Indirect speech.
Kiran asked me, "Did you see the Cricket match on television last night?"
For Diwali celebration you have arranged for a dance party in your apartment. At 10:30 one of your neighbours requests you to switch-off the speakers. What do you do?
Two trains leave at the same time from stations C and D for stations D and C respectively. The speeds of the trains coming from stations C and D are 30 km/hr and 40 km/hr respectively. When they meet, It is found that the train coming from D has covered 40 km more than the train coming from C. What is the distance between C and D?
From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is embedded.
दिए गए विकल्पों में से 'औपचारिक‘ शब्द का विलोम क्या होगा?
When Anil saw Manish, he told Raj “he is the son of the father of my wife”. Who is Manish to Anil?
Direction: In the following question, select the number which can be placed at the sign of question mark (?) from the given alternatives.
दिए गए विकल्पों में से ‘अनायास’ शब्द का विलोम क्या होगा?
Direction: Rewrite the sentence in the indirect speech.
Kumar said, "I am unwell."
Pointing to a photograph a young man said, "He is the son of my mother's elder brother". How is the person in the photograph related to the young man?
Why did the boys' hearts grow braver by the minute ?
Where should the boys have been at that time of the day?
जिन वर्णों का उच्चारण स्वरों की सहायता से किया जाता है, वे क्या कहलाते हैं?
If 'ALPACA' means 'ACAPLA' in any language. So how to write 'ANIMAL' in this language?
Select the option that is related to the sixth word in the same way as the first word is related to the second word and the third word is related to the fourth word.
Speech : Dumb :: Sight : Blind :: ? : Deaf
Modern mass communication has the characteristics of being:
A. Sporadic
B. Continuous
C. Based on a schedule
D. Not much dependent on technology
E. Dependent on the use of media
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Which problem-solving strategy involves creating a mental image of the desired goal and working backward to identify the steps to reach that goal?
'जिस पर अनुग्रह किया गया हो' के लिए एक शब्द है:
Direction: Choose from the four options, the word that best defines/substitutes the given phrase.
A speech or piece of writing praising somebody
Arrange the following communication media in chronological order of their invention.
(i) Television
(ii) Telegraph
(iii) Radio
(iv) Printing press
Direction: Choose from the four options, the word that best defines/substitutes the given phrase.
"A person or animal that eats all kinds of food"
At what rate of simple interest would Rs. 925 be Rs. 1110 in 5 years. Will be done?
2 docs|37 tests