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Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Grade 12 MCQ

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10 Questions MCQ Test Biology for Grade 12 - Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT)

Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) for Grade 12 2025 is part of Biology for Grade 12 preparation. The Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) questions and answers have been prepared according to the Grade 12 exam syllabus.The Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) MCQs are made for Grade 12 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) below.
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Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Question 1

In ____ pathway, water crosses at least two membranes for each cell in its path (i.e., plasma membrane on entering and exiting).

Detailed Solution for Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Question 1

The transmembrane (or vacuolar) pathway is the route followed by water that sequentially enters a cell on one side, exits the cell on the other side, enters the next in the series and so on. In this pathway, water crosses at least two membranes for each cell in its path (the plasma membrane on entering and on exiting).

Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Question 2

Stomata : Transpiration : : Hydathode : ______________

Detailed Solution for Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Question 2

The process of exudation of liquid drops from the edges of leaves is called guttation. Usually it occurs through stomata-like pores called hydathodes. It is this process by which fully turgid plants remove extra water. The cause of guttation is mainly root pressure (when the root pressure is high and rate of transpiration is low guttation takes place). Hydathodes are stomata-like pores generally present at the tips or margins of leaves of those plants that grow in moist shady places (e.g., Tropaeolum).

Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Question 3

In the given flow chart, the flow of water is shown from soil to xylem of the root. Identify the tissues involved in steps A and B.

Detailed Solution for Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Question 3

Water and minerals are absorbed by root hairs. Water moves radially through the root before it begins its ascent towards the leaf. It moves through different tissue of the root in apoplastic and symplastic manner. Water enters the root through the root hair, travel through the cortex in an apoplastic manner., reaches the endoderms, the presence of casperian strips prevent apoplastic movement through endodermis. From here it travels simplistically through pericycle, protoxylem (exarch condition of root) to metaxylem and then ascends upwards.

Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Question 4

Water will move from the root hair through cortex if the water potentials are

Detailed Solution for Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Question 4

If a difference in water potential exists between the two regions, spontaneous movement of water will take place, provided the movement can occur between them. The direction of flow will be energetically down hill, that is from the region of higher water potential (root hair) to the region of lower water potential (xylem) via cortex from less negative water potential (e.g., −1 kPa) to more negative water potential (e.g., −2kPa).

Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Question 5

In which of the following pathways, movement of water occurs from one cell to another cell through plasmodesmata?

Detailed Solution for Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Question 5

In symplast pathway, water passes from cell to cell through their protoplasm. It does not enter cell vacuoles. The cytoplasm of the adjacent cells are connected through plasmodesmata. Symplastic movement is aided by cytoplasmlc streaming of individual cells.

Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Question 6

In apoplast pathway, water moves exclusively through the

Detailed Solution for Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Question 6

The apoplast pathway is a type of water movement in plants where water moves along the continuum of cell walls and intercellular spaces. This pathway is passive and does not involve the protoplasm of cells. Therefore, it includes both cell walls (option 2) and intercellular spaces (option 3).

Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Question 7

Concentration of minerals in the soil is usually ___________ than the concentration of minerals in the root.

Detailed Solution for Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Question 7

Concentration of minerals in the soil is lower than in root. They dissolve in water and move around soil in the solution. Root hair cells are adapted to absorb the water out of soil by osmosis. Root hair cells have carrier molecules on their surface that pick up the minerals and move them into the cell against the concentration gradient.

Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Question 8

In submerged hydrophytes, the absorption of water takes place through

Detailed Solution for Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Question 8

Roots are poorly developed in hydrophytes and the water absorption takes place through general surface of the plant body.

Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Question 9

If a soft stemmed plant is cut horizontally near the base of its stem with a sharp blade on early morning of a humid day, drop of solution ooze through cut stem. This is due to

Detailed Solution for Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Question 9

If we cut a small soft-stemmed plant on a day , When there is plenty of atmospheric moisture early in the morning we will soon see drops of solution ooze out of the cut stem, this comes out due to the positive root pressure. If we fix a rubber tube to the cut stem as a sleeve we can actually collect and measure the rate of exudation and also determine the composition of the exudates Root pressure is a positive pressure that develops in the xylem sap of the root of some plants. It is a manifestation of active water absorption. Root pressure is observed in certain seasons which favour optimum metabolic activity and reduce transpiration. It is more during rainy season in the tropical countries and during spring in temperate habitats.

Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Question 10

Loss or excretion of water in the form of liquid droplets from the margins and tips of leaves is called

Detailed Solution for Test: Water Absorption (Old NCERT) - Question 10

The loss or excretion of water in the form of liquid droplets from the leaves and other parts of uninjured or intact plant is called guttation. It was first studied by Bergerstein in 1887. All plants do not show guttation. It is restricted to about 345 genera of herbaceous and some woody plants. Common examples are garden nasturtium, oat and other cereals, balsam, tomato, cucurbits. Guttation takes place through special structures called hydathodes. They are usually found on the margins and tips of the leaves.

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