The equation of Verhulst-Pearl logistic growth is . From this equation, K indicates: (NEET 2024)
Q1: Given below are two statements: (NEET 2024)
Statement I : Gause’s ‘Competitive Exclusion Principle’ states that two closely related species competing for the same resources cannot co-exist indefinitely and competitively inferior one will be eliminated eventually.
Statement II : In general, carnivores are more adversely affected by competition than herbivores.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Q1: Match List I with List II. (NEET 2023)
Choose the correct answer from the options given below.
Q2: Match List I with List II. (NEET 2023)
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
If '8' Drosophila in a laboratory population of '80' died during a week, the death rate in the population is ____ individuals per Drosophila per week. (NEET 2022)
While explaining interspecific interaction of population, (+) sign is assigned for beneficial interaction, (−) sign is assigned for detrimental interaction and (0) for neutral interaction. Which of the following interactions can be assigned (+) for one species and (−) for another species involved in the interaction? (NEET 2022)
Which one of the following statements cannot be connected to Predation? (NEET 2022)
Inspite of interspecific competition in nature, which mechanism the competing species might have evolved for their survival? [2021]
Which of the following is not an attribute of a population? [2020]
Carnivorous animals lions and leopards, occupy the same niche but lions predate mostly larger animals and leopards take smaller ones. This mechanism of competition is referred to as [2019]
Natality refers to [2018]
Asymptote in a logistic growth curve is obtained when [2017]
When does the growth rate of a population following the logistic model equal zero? [2016]
The logistic model is given as dN/dt = rN(1–N/K)
Gause's principle of competitive exclusion states that: [2016]
In which of the following interactions both partners are adversely affected? [2015 RS]
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