Assertion: Taxonomic studies of various species of plants and animals are useful in agriculture, forestry, industry and in general in knowing our bio-resources and their deversity.
Reason: Taxonomic studies would require correct classification and identification of organisms.
Assertion: Classification is necessary to study all living organisms.
Reason: Individuals are grouped into categories in classification.
Assertion: The science of classifiying organisms is called taxonomy.
Reaso: Systematics and taxonomy have same meaning.
Assertion: Binomial nomenclature is system of providing name with two.
Reason: Each name consists first of a specific name and second of a generic name
Assertion: The scientific terms for the categories like dogs, cats, mammals, plants, animals etc. is taxa.
Reason: The taxa can indicate categories at very different level.
Assertion: Both internal as well as external growth is show by living organisms.
Reason: Living organisms undergo the process known as accretion.
Assertion: Metabolism refers to the sum of chemical reactions that occur within living organisms.
Reason: Metabolic reactions occur simultaneously inside living organisms.
Assertion: Living organisms are self replicating, evolving and self regulating unit.
Reason: These are capable of responding to external stimuli.
Assertion: All organisms reproduce for perpetuation of a population.
Reason: Reproduction is an all inclusive characteristic of living organisms.
Assertion: Living organisms possess specific individuality with the definite shape and size.
Reason: Both living and non living entities resemble each other at the lower level of organization.
Assertion: The growth in living organisms is from inside.
Reason : Plants grow only upto certain age.
Assertion: Growth in living organism occurs by division of cells and increase in biomass.
Reason: Growth in living organism occurs by accumulation of material by external agency.
Assertion: Consciousn ess an d respon se to stimuli can be considered as defining property of living organism.
Reason: The external environmental stimuli can be physical, chemical or biological.
Assertion: Reproduction cannot be refered as defining property of living organism.
Reason: There are some living organism that do not reproduce e.g. mules, worker bees, infertile human, etc.
Assertion: A living organism is unexceptionally differentiated from a non living structure in the basis of responsiveness.
Reason: Response to stimuli is a defining property of living organism.
Assertion: In fungi, vegetative reproduction occurs by fragmentation and budding.
Reason: Asexual reproduction in fungi, occurs through formation of asexual spores.
Assertion: Whittaker's classification for algae is not acceptable.
Reason: Whittaker grouped algae in different kingdoms.
Assertion: Systematics is the branch of biology that deals with classification of living organisms.
Reason: The aim of classification is to group the organisms.
Assertion : To give scientific name to plant, there is ICBN.
Reason : It uses articles, photographs and recommendations to name a plant.
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