If a person is facing East and then turns to his left, which direction is he facing now?
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If a person is facing South and then turns to his left, which direction is he facing now?
If a person is facing North and then turns to his left, which direction is he facing now?
If a person is facing West and then turns to his left, which direction is he facing now?
If a person is facing East and then turns to his right, which direction is he facing now?
If a person is facing South and then turns to his right, which direction is he facing now?
If a person is facing North and then turns to his right, which direction is he facing now?
If a person is facing West and then turns to his right, which direction is he facing now?
If a person is facing South and then turns to his left, which direction is he facing now?
35 videos|39 docs|47 tests
35 videos|39 docs|47 tests