Mohan explained that he had been hurt by a car just outside his house as he was coming out of the gate. Fortunately, he is not injured severely. What precaution do you suggest he should take in the future?
A stranger comes to school gate and offers ice-creams to you and your friends. Your parents have told you not to take anything from strangers. What will you do?
You go to a temple. A stranger offers you prasad there. You cannot take it and then later throw it. What will you do?
You should not follow and listen to the advise of ______________.
What will you say if your father asks you to get a glass of water for him?
Which of these moral values is destroyed by greed?
What will you do if you find a new eraser on the floor in your class?
Which of these helps to keep the germs away?
Which of these activities does not show habit of cleanliness?
The nurses in hospitals keep smiling. This makes the patients
46 videos|12 docs|48 tests