Arrange the following ratios in the order in which they appear on a common-size income statement, from top to bottom:
A. Gross profit margin
B. Operating profit margin
C. Net profit margin
D. Earnings per share
Calculate and state the nature of activity under cash flow statement:
Acquired Machinery for ₹5,00,000 paying 50% by cheque and executing a bond for the balance payable :
Current liabilities include:
(A) Trade receivables
(B) Unclaimed dividend
(C) Interest accrued but not due on loan
(D) Acceptances
(E) 12% debentures redeemable after four years
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
_____ is a amount received by a non profit organization as per the WILL of a deceased person
When cash is received for life membership, which one of the following double entries is passed?
Which of the following statement is false regarding receipt and payment account
Which of the following is true relating to Income and expenditure account
Excess of expenditure over income of a Non-profit organisation is termed as______
Which of the following is to be recorded in an income and expenditure account?
39 docs|148 tests