Who among Homo erectus used fire for hunting, protection, and cooking?
Who was known as the direct ancestors of homo sapiens?
Which of the following is not included in natural selection?
How does shell pattern in limpets show disruptive selection?
Which of the following are properties of stabilizing selection?
Which of the following is the key difference between exons and introns?
Which of the following is the actual structure of the tRNA?
People suffering from colour blindness fail to distinguish which of the two colours?
Which of the following type of inheritance is shown by colour blindness?
What percentage of children are colour blind if their father is colour blind and the mother is a carrier for Colour blindness?
What is the percentage of children being a carrier of haemophilia if their mother is a carrier and their father is a normal man?
In which of the following places thalassemia is not common?
Which of the following statements is incorrect with respect to alpha-thalassemia?
Which of the chromosome mutation leads to Beta-thalassemia?
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