Human capital can be increased by incurring expenditure on
What is meant by the two terms underlined respectively? “the ‘world’s factory’ and the ‘world’s back office’ could together drive global economic growth”
Which sector's growth rates were higher than other countries for China?
Initially, what factors were favorable for China's growth?
What is true about India and China from the above passage ?
Chipko movement or Appiko started in Karnataka when:
Indiscriminate felling of trees has led to many ______ problems.
In Chipko movement and Appiko movement, men, women and children saved the trees by:
Setting up of paper mills in different areas using bamboo as raw material leads to the soil becoming:
Indiscriminate felling of trees for industrial use has led to the problem of:
Role of human capital formation in economic growth
Following are the educationally backward states except
People of which age group are treated as productive labour force
The movement started by national literacy mission is
o provide the educational facilities to the children of transferable central government employees _____ were established
By 2005 , 1% of the world population in the age group 15-49 has been affected by
____ and ____ are the twin pillars on which rests the edifice of social sector reforms
According to India Vision report 2020, _____ percent literate India is paramount importance to realise the vision for the country in 2020
Planning commission prepared a report regarding education over the next two decades named:
39 docs|148 tests