Identify the process in which an electron escapes from the metal surface.
Which type of waves shows the property of polarization?
What is the polarization angle of a medium of refractive index √3?
Which field vector is used to represent the polarization of an em wave?
Identify the property which is not mutually perpendicular to the polarized light wave in a plane.
Which plane is defined as the plane of polarization in a plane-polarized electromagnetic wave?
What will be the angle of refraction in the glass, if the polarization angle for the air-glass interface is 63.8o?
Which of the following is a form of light whose photons share the same frequency and whose wavelengths are in phase with one another?
Identify the factor is not the same for coherent waves.
Which of the following is the formula for calculating coherence time?
Which among the following is an example of coherent sources?
Which among the following relates scattering and wavelength of the particle?
Which one of the following is not an illustration of the scattering of light?
What is the angle between the incident ray and the emergent ray in a prism called?
What is the difference in a deviation between any two colors called?
What is the condition for dispersion without deviation?
Calculate the dispersive power of crown glass where μV = 1.456 and μR = 1.414.
A thin prism with an angle of 3o and made from glass of refractive index 1.15 is combined with another prism made from glass and has a refractive index of 1.45. If the dispersion were to occur without deviation then what should be the angle of the second prism?
Pick out the formula for dispersive power from the following.
On what basis is the classification of electromagnetic waves done?
Which among the following is an application of microwaves?
Pick out the electromagnetic wave which is highly harmful to humans.
8 docs|148 tests