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Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - CUET MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test CUET Mock Test Series - Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 for CUET 2025 is part of CUET Mock Test Series preparation. The Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 questions and answers have been prepared according to the CUET exam syllabus.The Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 MCQs are made for CUET 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 below.
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Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 1

The skills which are core to the field of psychological service are known as:

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 1

The general skills form the core competencies essential for a psychologist to act in a more responsive and ethical manner. Before entering any professional arena, it, therefore, becomes pertinent for a psychologist to equip himself/herself with these indispensable competencies.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 2

While watching a movie in a cinema hall, we are influenced by

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 2

The correct answer is Phi-phenomenon

Key Points

  • The phi phenomenon is the optical illusion of perceiving continuous motion between separate objects viewed rapidly in succession.
  • The phenomenon was defined by Max Wertheimer in Gestalt psychology in 1912 and along with the persistence of vision formed a part of the base of the theory of cinema, applied by Hugo Münsterberg in 1916.
  • Persistence of vision refers to the phenomenon in which the human perception of the decay of a visual stimulus is slower than the true decay of that stimulus.
  • An image will stay in one's eye for a brief amount of time after its cause has, in reality, disappeared.
  • The phenomenon of the persistence of vision is popularly taught as the reason that humans perceive motion in such things as zoetropes and classically projected films, but it is in reality not connected with motion perception.
  • It is merely the reason that we do not see the black frames that come between each "real" frame while watching a movie.
  • The true reason for motion perception is the phi phenomenon.
  • Cinema and other popular forms of animation are, of course, the best example of this phenomenon at work.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 3

The stage model of memory was propounded by

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 3

The correct answer is Atkinsan and Shiffrin

Key Points

  • The Stage Model of memory was propounded by Atkinson and Shiffrin in 1968.
  • The stage model of memory is considered to be the major study that attempts to explain the functioning of human memory.
  • This theory demarcates three different stages of human memory: Sensory memory, short-term memory(STM), and long-term memory(LTM).

1) Sensory Memory:

  • This is the first stage of memory that stores the information extracted from the external environment for a very brief period of time.
  • Approximately for less than a second for visual information and for 3 to 4 seconds in case of auditory information.
  • Sensory memory cannot be controlled by our conscious awareness and is not involved in our higher-level cognitive functions.

2) Short-Term Memory:

  • This is also called Active Memory, as it deals with the information which is fresh on our mind, about which we are currently thinking and have awareness.
  • As per Freudian Psychology, this kind of memory is referred to as the conscious mind.
  • The memory stored in the Short Term Memory (STM) will stay for approximately 20 to 30 seconds and then it moves on to the next stage which is Long Term Memory if not forgotten.
  • Short Term Memory is capable of holding only a few items and that too for a very brief period of time.
  • The information or the items can be moved from the Short Term Memory to Long Term Memory via a process which is called rehearsal.

3) Long Term Memory:

  • As per Freudian Psychology, Long term Memory is related to unconscious or preconscious.
  • In this stage, the information storage process takes place on a continuous basis.
  • The information which is stored in the Long Term Memory (LTM), usually remains out of our awareness but can be recalled back to the working memory whenever needed.
  • Long Term Memories have an incredible storage capacity some memories remain stored in our mind for our entire lifetime from the time it was created.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 4
The duel coding hypothesis was proposed by
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 4

The correct answer is Paivio

Key Points

  • Dual coding is a theory of cognition introduced by Allan Paivio in the late 1960s.
  • Paivio states: “Human cognition is unique in that it has become specialized for dealing simultaneously with language and with nonverbal objects and events.

This theory suggests that there are two distinct subsystems contributing to cognition:

  1. One is specialized in language and verbal information
  2. And the other for images and non-verbal information.
  • The two mentioned kinds of processing systems, verbal and non-verbal are functionally and structurally independent.
  • This means that each of them can work independently of the other one and that they work on different kinds of representational units.
  • Representational units are “relatively stable long-term information corresponding to perceptually identifiable objects and activities, both verbal and nonverbal.”

They are divided into:

  1. Logogens, refer to verbal entities (spoken or written words) organized in terms of associations and hierarchies, and
  2. Imagens, refer to mental images and non-verbal entities and are organized in terms of part-whole relationships.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 5
Mob behaviour has the following characteristic(s)
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 5

The correct answer is All of the above

Key Points

  • A crowd is defined as a large number of people gathered together.
  • It is a group of people united by a common characteristic, like age, interest, or vocation.

Characteristics of a crowd

  • A human being acts in a very different manner when in a crowd as compared to when the individual is alone in isolation.
  • The conscious individuality vanishes in the unconscious personality of the crowd.
  • Material contact is not absolutely necessary.
  • Passions and sentiments, provoked by certain events, are often sufficient to create it.
  • The collective mind, momentarily formed, represents a very special kind of aggregate.
  • Affirmation, contagion, repetition, and prestige constitute almost the only means of persuading the members of a crowd.
  • The sensibility of crowds, and their sentiments, good or bad, are always exaggerated. These characteristics show that a person in the crowd descends to a very low degree in the scale of civilization.
  • In a crowd, gestures and actions are extremely contagious.
  • Acclamations of hatred, fury, or love are immediately approved and repeated.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 6
Which of the following is/are the Projective technique (s) of judging Personality?
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 6

The correct answer is All of the above

Key Points

  • A projective test is a type of personality test in which you offer responses to ambiguous scenes, words, or images.
  • Projective tests have their origins in psychoanalytic psychology, which argues that humans have conscious and unconscious attitudes and motivations that are beyond or hidden from conscious awareness.
  • In projective techniques, respondents are asked to interpret the behavior of others.

Types of Projective Tests

  • There are a number of different types of projective tests. Some of the best-known examples include:

The Rorschach Inkblot Test

  • This test was one of the first projective tests developed and continues to be one of the best-known and most widely used.
  • Developed by Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach in 1921, the test consists of 10 different cards that depict an ambiguous inkblot.
  • People are shown one card at a time and asked to describe what they see in the image.
  • The responses are recorded verbatim by the tester. Gestures, the tone of voice, and other reactions are also noted.

The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

  • It is a projective psychological test.
  • Developed during the 1930s by the American psychologist Henry A. Murray and psychoanalyst Christiana D. Morgan at the Harvard Clinic at Harvard University.
  • Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) in which an individual views ambiguous scenes of people, and is asked to describe various aspects of the scene;
  • for example, the subject may be asked to describe:
  • What led up to this scene,
  • The emotions of the characters, and
  • What might happen afterward?
  • A clinician will evaluate these descriptions, attempting to discover the conflicts, motivations, and attitudes of the respondent.

Word association test

  • Word association testing is a technique developed by Carl Jung to explore complexes in the personal unconscious.
  • Jung came to recognize the existence of groups of thoughts, feelings, memories, and perceptions, organized around a central theme, that he termed psychological complexes.
  • This discovery was related to his research into word association, a technique whereby words presented to patients elicit other word responses that reflect related
  • concepts in the patients’ psyche, thus providing clues to their unique psychological make-up.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 7
Who formulated Rational Emotive Therapy (RET)?
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 7

The correct answer is Albert Ellis.

Key Points

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

  • The most popular therapy presently is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT).
  • Research into the outcome and effectiveness of psychotherapy has conclusively established CBT to be a short and efficacious treatment for a wide range of psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, panic attacks, borderline personality, etc.
  • CBT adopts a biopsychosocial approach to the delineation of psychopathology. It combines cognitive therapy with behavioural techniques.
  • Cognitive therapies locate the cause of psychological distress in irrational thoughts and beliefs.
  • Albert Ellis formulated Rational Emotive Therapy (RET). Hence option 2 is correct.
    • The central thesis of this therapy is that irrational beliefs mediate between the antecedent events and their consequences.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 8
Which of the following therapies postulate that psychological distress arises from feelings of loneliness, alienation, and an inability to find meaning and genuine fulfilment in life?
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 8

The correct answer is Humanistic-existential Therapy.

Key Points

Humanistic-existential Therapy

  • The humanistic-existential therapies postulate that psychological distress arises from feelings of loneliness, alienation, and an inability to find meaning and genuine fulfilment in life. Hence option 1 is correct.
  • Human beings are motivated by the desire for personal growth and self-actualisation, and an innate need to grow emotionally.
  • Cognitive therapies locate the cause of psychological distress in irrational thoughts and beliefs.
  • Behaviour therapies postulate that psychological distress arises because of faulty behaviour patterns or thought patterns.
  • Psychodynamic therapy has conceptualised the structure of the psyche, dynamics between different components of the psyche, and the source of psychological distress.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 9
Psychologists have found that there would be consistency between attitudes and behaviour when:
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 9

The correct answer is option 1.

Key Points

Attitude-Behaviour Relationship

  • We usually expect behaviour to follow logically from attitudes. However, an individual’s attitudes may not always be exhibited through behaviour. Likewise, one’s actual behaviour may be contrary to one’s attitude towards a particular topic.
  • Psychologists have found that there would be consistency between attitudes and behaviour when :
    • The attitude is strong and occupies a central place in the attitude system,
    • The person is aware of her/his attitude,
    • There is very little or no external pressure for the person to behave in a particular way. Hence option 1 is correct.
    • The person’s behaviour is not being watched or evaluated by others, and
    • The person thinks that the behaviour would have a positive consequence, and therefore, intends to engage in that behaviour.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 10
Family, caste, and religion are which type of group in Psychology?
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 10

The correct answer is Primary group.

Key Points

Primary and Secondary Groups

  • A major difference between primary and secondary groups is that primary groups are pre-existing formations which are usually given to the individual whereas secondary groups are those which the individual joins by choice.
  • Thus, family, caste, and religion are primary groups whereas membership of a political party is an example of a secondary group. Hence option 2 is correct.
  • In a primary group, there is a face-to-face interaction, members have close physical proximity, and they share warm emotional bonds.
  • Primary groups are central to individual’s functioning and have a very major role in developing values and ideals of the individual during the early stages of development.
  • In contrast, secondary groups are those where relationships among members are more impersonal, indirect, and less frequent. In the primary group, boundaries are less permeable, i.e. members do not have the option to choose its membership as compared to secondary groups where it is easy to leave and join another group
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 11
Social loafing is a __________ in individual effort when working on a collective task.
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 11

The correct answer is Reduction.

Key Points

  • It has been found that individuals work less hard in a group than they do when performing alone.
  • This points to a phenomenon referred to as ‘social loafing’.
  • Social loafing is a reduction in individual effort when working on a collective task, i.e. one in which outputs are pooled with those of other group members. Hence option 4 is correct.
  • An example of such a task is the game of tug-of-war. It is not possible for you to identify how much force each member of the team has been exerting. Such situations give opportunities to group members to relax and become a free rider
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 12

Which of the following characteristics is related to effective counsellors?

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 12

Characteristics Related to Effective Counselors:

  • Authenticity: Effective counselors are genuine and authentic in their interactions with clients. They are honest, transparent, and true to themselves in the counseling process.

  • Paraphrasing: Effective counselors have the ability to paraphrase what the client is saying in order to show understanding and empathy. This skill helps in building rapport and facilitating communication.

  • Empathy: Effective counselors demonstrate empathy towards their clients by showing understanding, compassion, and care. They are able to put themselves in their client's shoes and provide a supportive environment.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 13

Psychologists study many differences based on factor such as ____

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 13

Psychologists study different factors which are a consequence of a person’s occupation, age , gender, place, caste etc.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 14

Which of the following is not the interpersonal skill?

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 14

Interpersonal skills include verbal and nonverbal communication, the ability to handle conflict, teamwork, empathy, listening, and a positive attitude.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 15

Empathy is a part of....................... .skills.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 15

Empathy in counselling is about the counsellor seeing the client's world as they see it. Empathy is to respectfully perceive what the client is bringing from their frame of reference and to communicate that back in a way that makes the client feel they've been understood.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 16

________ Environment denotes the persons physical environment, climate conditions and regional area which play significant role in determining social habits, behavioural tendencies and general outlook towards life.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 16

Our psychosocial environment is the interaction of the various sources of stress in our lives and how we respond to them, both individually and as communities. On this page we describe the impacts of environmental stress on health.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 17

When a person feels that he or she is not getting something which he/she values, he/she may be experiencing?

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 17

Deprivation is the state of being deprived of that which is needed for "normal life". In psychology it might refer to: Animal maternal deprivation. Cultural deprivation. Environmental deprivation.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 18

_______ is the term used to refer to the situation in which individuals change their beliefs or behaviours so that they become more similar to those of other group-members.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 18

Conformity is the act of matching attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to group norms, politics or being like-minded. Norms are implicit, specific rules, shared by a group of individuals, that guide their interactions with others.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 19

An augmentation in behaviour due to the presence of other individuals is known as?

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 19

Social facilitation is a social phenomena in which being in the presence of others improves individual task performance.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 20

Identification can result in _______ or conforming to the expectations of admired persons.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 20

Modelling is a method used in certain cognitive-behavioural techniques of psychotherapy whereby the client learns by imitation alone, without any specific verbal direction by the therapist, and a general process in which persons serve as models for others, exhibiting the behaviour to be imitated by the others. This process is most commonly discussed with respect to children in developmental psychology.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 21

A collection of people around a roadside performer is an example of—

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 21

A  crowd is defined as a group of people that have gathered for a common purpose or intent such as at a demonstration, a sports event, or during looting, or may simply be made up of many people going about their business in a busy area.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 22

You like your mother. Your mother does not like pets. You like pets. The trial is___

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 22

The trial would have been balanced if the mother too liked pets. In a trial system, The organism being subjected to operant conditioning may be given reinforcement in every acquisition trial or in some trials it is given and in others it is.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 23

The emotional component of attitude is also called _________ component.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 23

Affective component: this involves a person's feelings / emotions about the attitude object.For example: “I am scared of spiders”.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 24

Systematic desensitisation begins with some form of—

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 24

Systematic desensitisation is an evidence-based therapy approach that combines relaxation techniques with gradual exposure to help you slowly overcome a phobia.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 25

Cognitive therapy for the treatment of depression is given by—

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 25

Aaron Temkin Beck was an American psychiatrist who was a professor in the department of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania. He is regarded as the father of cognitive therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 26

"I should be loved by everybody." This irrational thought can be treated by—

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 26

Rational Emotive Therapy (RET) is a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). The primary focus of this treatment approach is to suggest changes in thinking that will lead to changes in behavior, thereby alleviating or improving symptoms.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 27

"I should be loved by everybody." This irrational thought can be treated by__

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 27

You see a therapist because you are feeling depressed. Together, you and the therapist isolate some of the negative thoughts that you seem to repeat to yourself. You then counter those negative thoughts with rational positive thoughts. This is RET.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 28

The physical, environmental and social causes of the stress state are termed___

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 28

A stressor is an event or situation that causes stress. Just about anything can be a stressor as long as it is perceived as a danger. (Remember: Stress is a response to danger.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 29

Frustration-aggression is a very famous hypothesis proposed by___

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 29

Dollard and Miller believed in the idea of stimulus generalization, or the grouping of similar stimuli together. As a result, behaviors that occur in one situation will be the same in similar situations. Humans categorize and generalize and this is what helps them get through their day.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 30

The father of modern stress research is____

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 5 - Question 30

Selye, who is known as the 'father of stress research', discovred the study of specific disease signs and symptoms, unlike others before him, and instead focused on universal patient reactions to illness.

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