Sri Lanka and India have successfully operated a democratic system since their independence from what country?
International relations is a branch of which discipline?
How does postmodernism challenge the concept of sovereignty in International Relations?
Which of the following multilateral forums in India is a member of along with USA, Australia and Japan?
The phenomenon of dominant culture influencing and merging the local culture into it, is called:
What is the only country that has experienced democracy in the region other than Pakistan?
Who took over the military in Pakistan after Ayub Khan was elected?
What religion was Nepal a kingdom in the past?
In East Pakistan the popular struggle against West Pakistan domination was led by
When did India’s government get involved in the Sri Lankan Tamil question?
In what year did India and Bangladesh exchange enclaves?
Who took over the administration of Pakistan after Pakistan framed its first constitution?
Who was the elected government leader in Pakistan from 1971 to 1977?
When did a war between India and Pakistan take place?
When did the king accept the demand for a new democratic constitution in Nepal?
When did the Indian peacekeeping force pull out of Sri Lanka?
In what year did India conduct a nuclear explosion in Pokhran?
What is the name of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation?
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