If the sum of three consecutive terms of an increasing A.P. is 51 and the product of the first and third of these terms is 273, then the third term is
What is the number of integral solutions of the equation 2x2 – 3x – 2 = 0?
What is the value of s+t if the equation 3x2 + tx + s has 2 and 3 as its roots?
What is the sum of all values of x that satisfies the equation:
If integers p, q and r are the roots of the equation x3-7x2+12x = 0, and p < q < r, what is the value of ?
If twice the reciprocal of x is equal to the sum of x and 1, how many values of x are possible?
If x >0, what is the value of x?
(1) x is equal to half of its square root
(2) 4x2 + 7x – 2 = 0
If x + y = -10 and xy = 16, which of the following statements must be true?
(I) x – y = -6
(II) x2 + y2 = 68
(III) (x-y)2 leaves a remainder of 1 when divided by 7
When a body falls freely under gravity, the distance d covered by it in time t is given by the formula:
, where g is a constant called acceleration due to gravity.
When a ball is dropped from a 16-feet high structure on earth, it takes 1 second to reach the ground. How much time will it take for a ball to reach the ground if it is dropped from a height of 2800 feet on a planet whose acceleration due to gravity is seven times that of earth?
Given the equation x2 + bx + c = 0, where b and c are constants, what is the value of c?
(1) The sum of the roots of the equation is zero.
(2) The sum of the squares of the roots of the equation is equal to 18.
In the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b and c are constants and a ≠ 0, what is the value of b?
(1) 3 and 4 are roots of the equation.
(2) The product of the roots of the equation is 12.
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