The computer system is used essentially as data manipulation system where __________ are very important things for it.
A __________ is a physical implementation that clearly defiens a way of storing, accessing, manipulating data stored in a data strucutre.
Which of the following algorithms is used to solve problems involving pattern and string matching?
_______ data strucutres are normally built from primitive data types like integers, reals, characters, boolean.
Which of the following algorithms uses a Divide and Conquer algorithm?
Simple data structures can be combined in various ways to form more complex strucutes called ____________.
________ refer to a named list of a finite number n of similar data elements.
______ data strucutres refer to the lists stored and accessed in a special way, Where LIFO (Last in first out) technique is followed.
_______ lists are special lists of some data elements linked to one another. The logical ordering is represented by having each element pointing to the next element.
_______ data strucutres are FIFO (First in First out) lists, where insertions take place at the “rear” end of the queues and deletions take palce at the “front” end of the queues.
Trees are multilevel data strucutre having a hierarchical relationship among its elements called ________.
What are the basic operations that are performed on data structures _________.
Which of the following does not represent a data structure operation?
What data structure is necessary to change infix notation into prefix notation?
When elements of linear strucutes are homogeneous and are represented in memory by means of sequentional momoey location, these linear strucures are called _________.
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