In the context of the Internet, which of the following is NOT a protocol? (SSC CHSL 2018)
The Election Commission of India recently launched a mobile app for enabling citizens to report Model Code of Conduct and Expenditure violations during the elections. The app has been named as : (SSC CHSL 2018)
In the context of computers and communication technology, 1 megabyte is equal to ______ . (SSC CHSL 2018)
Which of the following stores data permanently in a computer? (SSC CGL 2017)
What is the full form of 'LAN'? (SSC CGL 2017)
FORTRAN is not used for ________. (SSC CGL 2017)
(I) Drawing pictures
(II) Carrying out mathematics computations
What is the full form of JPEG? (SSC CGL 2017)
Vacuum Tubes were used by __________ Generation of Computers. (SSC CHSL 2017)
Dot-Matrix is an example of which of the following? (SSC Sub. Ins. 2017)
Which of the following pair is INCORRECT? (SSC Sub. Ins. 2017)
A __________ is a program that interprets and displays Web Pages? (SSC MTS. 2017)
A Computer that keeps copies of responses and recent requests is known as __________. (SSC MTS. 2017)
Which of the following is an input device? (SSC Stenographer 2017)
Which of the following is not a computer language? (SSC Stenographer 2017)
Data in database at a particular point of time is called as? (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016)
CPU Scheduler is also known as _____ . (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016)
Which of the following is not an operating system? (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016)
In IT, the technique of delaying outgoing acknowledgements temporarily is known as (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016)
One strategy of allocating kernel memory is known as (SSC Sub. Ins. 2016)
Which of the following units used to measure the speed of a computer ? (SSC Stenographer 2016)
316 docs|268 tests