Which is greater (SSC CHSL 2013)
The value of is (SSC CHSL 2013)
The greatest among the following numbers is: (SSC Sub. Ins. 2013)
The value of is: (SSC Sub. Ins. 2013)
The value of is: (SSC Sub. Ins. 2013)
equals (SSC Multitasking 2013)
The simplified value of is (SSC Multitasking 2013)
If 21 is added to a number, it becomes 7 less than thrice of the number. Then the number is (SSC CGL 2012)
The simplest value of is (SSC CGL 2012)
is equal to (SSC CGL 2012)
If then the value of x is: (SSC CGL 2nd Sit. 2012)
By what least number should 675 be multiplied to obtain a number which is a perfect cube? (SSC CGL 2012)
A farmer divides his herd of n cows among his four sons, so that the first son gets one–half the herd, the second one– fourth, the third son 1/5 and the fourth son 7 cows. Then thevalue of n is (SSC CGL 2012)
is equal to (SSC CGL 2012)
If then the value of x is (SSC CGL 2012)
The value of is equal to (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2012)
From 9.00 AM to 2.00 PM, the temperature rose at a constant rate from 21ºC to 36ºC. What was the temperature at noon ? (SSC CHSL 2012)
If then the value of n is: (SSC CHSL 2012)
If then the value
is : (SSC CHSL 2012)
The value of is (SSC Sub. Ins. 2012)
What is the value of (SSC Sub. Ins. 2012)
Last year my age was a perfect square number. Next year it will be a cubic number. What is my present age? (SSC Sub. Ins. 2012)
A student was asked to divide a number by 6 and add 12 to the quotient. He, however, first added 12 to the number and then divided it by 6, getting 112 as the answer. The correct answer should have been (SSC CGL 2nd Sit. 2011)
The value of is (SSC CGL 2nd Sit. 2011)
If then the value of x is (SSC CGL 2nd Sit. 2011)
If then the values of a and b arerespectively (SSC CGL 2nd Sit. 2011)
Find a number, one–seventh of which exceeds its eleventh part by 100. (SSC CGL 2nd Sit. 2011)
If the sum of two numbers be multiplied by each number separately, the products so obtained are 247 and 114. The sum of the numbers is (SSC CGL 2nd Sit. 2011)
is equal to (SSC CGL 2nd Sit. 2011)
If then x = ? (SSC CGL 2011)
316 docs|268 tests