Meticulously developed into a mainstream style of writing by the great Elizabethan dramatists, blank verse, used in theater to represent the speech patterns of aristocratic characters, was rarely used by playwrights after the eighteenth century.
In establishing a shorter route to Virginia from England in 1609, lasting fame was achieved by Samuel Argall, one of England’s maritime pioneers, even though the route had been taken by Bartholomew Gosnold and Martin Pring six years earlier.
A USS16 drone dropped a misguided anti-bunker bomb on a populated area, which caused death of over 100 people and also wiped out all the vegetation.
World War II combatants gained an advantage over their opponents either by employing a number of new and devastating inventions such as rudimentary flame throwers, tracer bullets, pilotless drones, or having strong leadership and geographic advantage.
Like an expert cricket fielder focusing his attention on his movement and catching the ball coming in his direction, any object tossed in its direction is grabbed by a newly developed robot without ever missing a single one and could be incorporated in machines that help humans by catching them if they are in danger of falling.
The proliferation of personal computing by laptops and desktops had started in 1998 with the advent of internet and is continuing since then so much so that over 90% of Americans now own at least one personal computing device.
Even though the new CEO’s critics complained about the rate at which employees had been fired under his management, the board of directors insisted that more positions with higher average salaries were created on a monthly basis than were eliminated since he took up the position.
Bill Gates had originally rejected the idea of a dedicated browser, but in 1997 on hearing that the Netscape browser had demonstrated the potential to make Windows obsolete, he invested heavily in the development of the browser.
The recent decline in tremors have raised hope that the worst is over for Haiti, yet, according to their analysis, seismologists believe that a big earthquake is eminent
The team studying genes responsible for taste receptors in mammals discovered that all three species of vampire bats, as bottlenose dolphins, have an extremely reduced ability to taste bitterness and sweetness, resulting from the garbled sequences of some specific genes.
The magazine’s managerial board proposed that dissolution of the company’s remote offices, which are no longer necessary since most employees work from home, be initiated at the earliest.
In January this year, a chemical used in the processing of coal leaked from a ruptured storage tank into the Elk River, an accident that interrupted water supply for days because of water pollution, and this called for immediate action from the authorities.
Nicknamed the Napoleon of the dinosaur kingdom, N. Hoglundi seemed as armed with a smaller body to adapt to their Cretaceous Arctic environment that experienced seasonal temperature extremes and variations in available food sources.
. Many technologies changed the manner in which we use cell phones; however, the impact of none that had been more profound than that of touch screen technology that brought usable internet to portable devices
After not being actively engaged in a large overseas conflict for several years, 1969 saw the instatement of a draft lottery for those born between 1944 and 1950 in the United States and thus eligible for military service.
While the average age of its population is below 40 years, the annual GDP of a nation is expected to rise at a rate above 5 percent annually and then as the average age of its population increases beyond 40 years, stabilizing at 3 percent, a growth rate that will mainly be driven by addition of higher quality services
The tombs in the Valley of the Kings, constructed to house deceased pharaohs and nobles, were first explored in the late 18th century by members of Napoleon’s Egyptian expedition and has been found to contain more than 63 tombs and chambers.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, known as PTSD, is usually caused by an individual’s exposure to extremely traumatic events and, in particular if the incident is extreme, can occur as a result of the mind’s attempting to sort through memories involving stressful events.
The creator of Xamaleon awaits the patent for his creation, an exotic ice cream that changes color with variations in temperature, tastes similar to “tutti-frutti”.
Steganography, the art of concealing a message, image, or file within another piece of communication, especially within its alphabet, color, and other transport layers.
Despite the fact that they form the fifth largest desert of the world, the Gobi dunes are neither sandy nor are they hot.
High inflation if not followed by correspondingly increasing of lending rates lead to devaluation of currency.
Articulate started the e-learning blog, where the theory was simple – consumers showing a greater willingness to buy its tools if they find multiple uses for them.
In the past considered impossible to detect because of its ethereal nature, studying neutrino now represents a unique window into an otherwise invisible universe, a method offering clues about the missing mass called dark matter, whose presence can be inferred only by its gravitatio.nal influence on stars and galaxies
First sold May 1, 1924, iodized salt that made its way in regular diet to reduce the incidence of goiter has also been found to play a crucial role in brain development, especially during gestation.
“Superhumans” who possess Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory claim from almost every day of their lives that they can recall very particular details such as what they had eaten on the 8th of September, 1983, or what the weather was like during their drive to the polls on election day 13 years ago.
According to the investigations of physiologists and psychologists, nervousness has been found to be not an organic disease but a functional one, which is a critical distinction, for an organic disease implies impairment of the tissues of an organ, while a functional disease indicates only a disruption of its role.
President Clinton spent significant money on the “No Child Left Behind” program in several school districts throughout the country, which led to a boom in the school construction industry and also added thousands of jobs for teachers and support staff.
When used repeatedly, financial tools such as Quantitative Easing may lose their ability to stimulate the economy; a potential reason is that as these tools are employed repeatedly, few select sectors of the economy learn to disproportionately exploit them, reaping greater benefits than the sectors that do not.
The amount of annual precipitation received in the Amazon rainforest dropped to a new low this year and prompted fears that both the forests and the wildlife in the area would suffer as a result.
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