Chemical reactions can be classified according to free energy changes. A chemical reaction has a ΔG of -686/kcal/mol. Is this an endergonic or exergonic reaction? How would the addition of catalyst change the ΔG this reaction?
In human physiology endergonic and exergonic reaction are often coupled. How does the ATP/ADP cycle couple these reactions?
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ATP cycle refers to a set of reactions that promotes reversible changes of ATP into ADP via endergonic and exergonic reactions. According to Le Chatellier's principle, what would you expect to occur if ADP levels increased?
What would it mean if an antibiotic fails to distort the binding site of bacterial enzymes?
The symptoms of a certain disease are a result of increased competitive enzymatic inhibition. What kind of chemical manipulations with enzyme, substrate, or products would minimize the symptoms?
The electron transport chain is an important chemical reaction of cellular respiration. What would occur if oxygen was not present in the electron transport chain (anaerobic conditions)?
Why does muscle contraction result in higher body temperature?
Hemoglobin (HMB) molecules have 4 oxygen binding sites, that reversibly bind with O2 molecules. Loading HMB with an oxygen molecule creates a positive-feedback mechanism, making it easier to load subsequent molecules. In oxygen deprived tissues one molecule oxygen is released from HMB rich molecules favoring the release of the other molecules. What role is oxygen playing in these process?
During aerobic respiration, glucose is completely oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. Which of the following statements best describes the energy yield from the oxidation of one molecule of glucose?
In photosynthesis, light energy is captured by chlorophyll and converted into chemical energy. Which of the following accurately describes the relationship between light-dependent and light-independent reactions?
138 videos|21 docs|4 tests
138 videos|21 docs|4 tests