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APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - APPSC (Andhra Pradesh) MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test APPSC Mock Test Series - APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 for APPSC (Andhra Pradesh) 2025 is part of APPSC Mock Test Series preparation. The APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 questions and answers have been prepared according to the APPSC (Andhra Pradesh) exam syllabus.The APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 MCQs are made for APPSC (Andhra Pradesh) 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 below.
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APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 1

Consider the following statements.

  1. State legislatures can make law prescribing a requirement of residence for jobs in a particular state.
  2. Reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Classes is referred to as vertical reservation.
  3. Horizontal reservation refers to opportunity provided to beneficiaries such as women, the transgender community, domicile and individuals with disabilities, cutting through the vertical categories.

How many of the above statements are correct?

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 1

Statement 1 is incorrect.

Article 16 of the Constitution, which guarantees equal treatment under law in matters of public employment, prohibits the state from discriminating on grounds of place of birth or residence.

Article 16(2) states that “no citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, descent, place of birth, residence or any of them, be ineligible for, or discriminated against in respect or, any employment or office under the State”. The provision is supplemented by the other clauses in the Constitution that guarantee equality.

However, Article 16(3) of the Constitution provides an exception by saying that Parliament may make a law “prescribing” a requirement of residence for jobs in a particular state. This power vests solely in the Parliament, not state legislatures.

Reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Classes is referred to as vertical reservation. Horizontal reservation refers to opportunity provided to other categories of beneficiaries such as women, veterans, the transgender community, domicile and individuals with disabilities, cutting through the vertical categories.

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 2

What is the primary metric used to evaluate the governance of cities in India, as indicated by the Urban Governance Index (UGI)?

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 2

The Urban Governance Index (UGI) serves as a key metric to assess the quality of governance in cities across India. It evaluates various aspects of urban management, including financial management, planning, and administration, ultimately providing a comprehensive overview of how effectively cities are governed.

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 3

Which state in India ranked first in the Urban Governance Index, achieving a score of 59.31?

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 3

Kerala achieved the top rank in the Urban Governance Index with a score of 59.31. This high score reflects the state's strong performance in managing local finances and planning, highlighting its effective governance practices compared to other states.

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 4

How does Kerala's fiscal empowerment score compare to that of Maharashtra?

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 4

Kerala scored 23.22 out of 30 in fiscal empowerment, which is higher than Maharashtra's score of 21.15. This indicates that Kerala has a stronger financial management system at the local level, allowing for better resource allocation and governance.

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 5

What significant governance practice does Kerala implement for city councillors?

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 5

Kerala is unique in that it requires every city councillor to participate in at least one deliberative committee. This practice demonstrates the state's commitment to active local governance and encourages engagement in the decision-making process, fostering accountability among elected officials.

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 6

Which challenge does Kerala face in its local governance system?

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 6

One of the significant challenges Kerala faces is the presence of many vacant positions in local government jobs. This can hinder effective city management and service delivery, as a lack of personnel may lead to delays and inefficiencies in governance.

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 7

What aspect of governance does the weak mayoral system in many Indian states affect?

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 7

The weak mayoral system impacts the quality of governance by limiting the decision-making power of mayors. When mayors lack authority, it can lead to ineffective leadership and hinder the implementation of policies that improve urban management and community well-being.

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 8

Bt toxin is coded by which gene?

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 8

Bt toxin is coded by a gene named Cry. There are a number of them, the protein encoded by these cryIAc and cryIIAb control the cotton bollworms.

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 9

A man goes to his office from his house at a speed of 3 km/hr and returns at a speed of 2 km/hr. If he takes 5 hours in going and coming, what is the distance between his house and office?

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 9

If the distance between house and office is d km
Then time taken to go from home to office = d/3 hr (Time = Distance/Speed)
and Time taken to come back from office to home= d/2 hr
So total time taken = (d/3 +d/2) hour
But according to question , time taken = 5 hour
so we have
or (2d+3d)/6= 5
or 5d/6=5
or, d=5 x6/5= 6km
So distance between home and office = 6km

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 10

Bt toxin is obtained from

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 10

Bt toxin is obtained from Bacillus thuringiensis bacterium that can kill certain insects like tobacco budworm, armyworm, beetles and flies.

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 11

E owns a house worth Rs. 20,000. He sells it to R at a profit of 25%. After some time, R sells it back to E at 25% loss. Find E’s loss or gain per cent.

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 11

CP = 20000
Profit = 25/100 of 20000 = 5000
SP = Profit + CP = 25000

New transaction

CP= 25000
Loss = 25% of 25000 = 6250
SP = CP - Loss = 18750

P's gain = 1250
TOTAL gain = 6250
Total gain % = 6250/20000 × 100 = 625/20 = 31.25%

So option C is correct

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 12

Consider the following statements regarding Food Corporation of India (FCI).

  1. It is a statutory body under the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare.
  2. It maintains a satisfactory level of operational and buffer stocks of food grains to ensure National Food Security.
  3. It regulates market price to provide food grains to consumers at a reliable price.
  4. All food grain procurement operations in India are undertaken by the Food Corporation of India (FCI).

How many of the above options are correct?

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 12

Statement 2 and 3 are correct.

The Food Corporation of India is an organization created and run by the Government of India. It is a statutory body under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Government of India.


  • Effective price support operations for safeguarding the interests of the poor farmers
  • Distribution of food grains throughout the country for Public Distribution System (PDS)
  • Maintaining a satisfactory level of operational and buffer stocks of food grains to ensure National Food Security
  • Regulate market price to provide food grains to consumers at a reliable price.
  • It has primary duty to undertake purchase, store, and move/transport, distribute and sell food grains and other foodstuffs.

The procurement system decentralization was started in 1997 where states play a very important role in the supply chain. Not all procurements are done by FCI. State cooperative agencies and other state-level distribution agencies also play a crucial role.

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 13

A randomly selected year is containing 53 Mondays then probability that it is a leap year

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 13

The correct option is A 


  • Selected year will be a non leap year with a probability 3/4
  • Selected year will be a leap year with a probability 1/4
  • A selected leap year will have 53 Mondays with probability 2/7
  • A selected non leap year will have 53 Mondays with probability 1/7
  • E→ Event that randomly selected year contains 53 Mondays

P(E) =  (3/4 × 1/7) + (1/4 × 2/7)
P(Leap Year/ E) = (2/28) / (5/28) = 2/5 


APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 14

Grain colour in wheat is determined by three pairs of polygene. Following the cross AABBCC (dark colour) x aabbcc (light colour), in F2-generation what proportion of the progeny is likely to resemble either parent

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 14

Polygene results in quantitative inheritance which is characterized by occurrence of intermediate forms between the parental type. In case of crossing between AABBCC (dark colour) and aabbcc (light colour), in F2 generation seven phenotypes will obtain with ratio of 1 : 6 : 15 : 20 : 15 : 6 : 1. The total number of progeny is 64, out of which only two will be likely resemble with either parents. Hence, their proportion in F2 generation would be 3.12 ie, less than 5%.

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 15

The reflex angle between the hands of a clock at 10.25 is:

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 15

Angle traced by hour hand in 125/12 hrs = 
Angle traced by minute hand in 25 min = 
∴ Reflex angle = 3600

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 16

The average of 15 numbers is 18. If each number is multiplied by 9, then the average of the new set of numbers is:

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 16

When we multiply each number by 9, the average would also get multiplied by 9.

Hence, the new average = 18 X 9 = 162.

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 17

Food gets cooked faster in a pressure cooker because

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 17

At that pressure, water boils at 121°C (250°F). That means food can cook at a much higher temperature than it ever could at atmospheric pressure—and since cooking reactions speed up at higher temperatures, your food cooks faster.

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 18

Find the 15th term of the sequence 20, 15, 10....

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 18

15th term = a + 14d
⇒ 20 + 14*(-5)
⇒ 20 - 70 = -50.

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 19

Consider the followings statements regarding Quad (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue).

  1. Quad has a Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) partnership to coordinate their disaster response operations in the Indo-pacific region.
  2. The Secretariat of QUAD is based in United States.
  3. Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) is a permanent body under QUAD.

How many of the above statements are correct?

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 19
  • Only statement 1 is correct.
  • Unlike the SCO, BRICS and even NATO, the Quad does not have a Secretariat.
  • RATS is a permanent body of the Sanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).
APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 20

A camera always has

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 20

A camera is a device used to capture images, and the lens is an essential component of a camera that focuses light onto the image sensor or film, allowing the camera to form an image. Reels (a) were used in older film cameras, but modern digital cameras do not require reels. Flash (b) is a feature often found in cameras, but not all cameras have built-in flashes. A stand (c) is not necessarily present in all cameras, as many cameras can be handheld or mounted on tripods.

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 21

The property by which metals can be beaten into sheets is known as ___

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 21

Malleability is a physical property of metals that defines their ability to be hammered, pressed, or rolled into thin sheets without breaking. In other words, it is the property of a metal to deform under compression and take on a new shape.

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 22

Bank balance sheets may become healthier due to

  1. Central bank’s asset quality reviews
  2. Mandates for stressed assets recognition and write-offs by commercial banks
  3. Loan recoveries under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code

How many of the above statements are correct?

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 22

Bank balance sheets have become healthier over the past few years thanks to the central bank’s asset quality reviews, mandates for stressed assets recognition and write-offs by commercial banks, as well as loan recoveries under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code. 

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 23

Consider the following statements regarding Review Petition.

  1. The constitution of India does not mention anything about Review Petition.
  2. Usually a review takes place to correct grave errors that have resulted in the miscarriage of justice.
  3. It is not necessary that only parties to a case can seek a review of the judgment on it.

How many of the above statements are correct?

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 23

Statement 1 is incorrect.

A judgment of the Supreme Court becomes the law of the land, according to the Constitution. However, the Constitution, under Article 137, gives the Supreme Court the power to review any of its judgments or orders. This departure from the Supreme Court’s final authority is entertained under specific, narrow grounds. So, when a review takes place, the law is that it is allowed not to take fresh stock of the case but to correct grave errors that have resulted in the miscarriage of justice.

Who can file a review petition?

It is not necessary that only parties to a case can seek a review of the judgment on it. As per the Civil Procedure Code and the Supreme Court Rules, any person aggrieved by a ruling can seek a review. However, the court does not entertain every review petition filed. It exercises its discretion to allow a review petition only when it shows the grounds for seeking the review.

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 24

Consider the following statements.

  1. Millets were among the crops domesticated at the later stage and there is no evidence for consumption of millets by the Indus valley people.
  2. Millets require much less water than rice and wheat, and are mainly grown in rainfed areas.
  3. In India, millets are gown only as a rabi crop.

How many of the above statements are correct?

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 24

Only statement 2 is correct.

  • Millets were among the first crops to be domesticated. There is evidence for consumption of millets by the Indus valley people (3,000 BC), and several varieties that are now grown around the world were first cultivated in India. West Africa, China, and Japan are home to indigenous varieties of the crop.
  • Millets are now grown in more than 130 countries, and are the traditional food for more than half a billion people in Asia and Africa. They require much less water than rice and wheat, and are mainly grown in rainfed areas.
  • Globally, sorghum (jowar) is the biggest millet crop. The major producers of jowar are the United States, China, Australia, India, Argentina, Nigeria, and Sudan. Bajra is another major millet crop; India and some African countries are major producers.

In India, millets are mainly a kharif crop. 

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 25


How many points will be on the face opposite to in face which contains 2 points?


Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 25
  • In first two positions of dice one common face containing 5 is same.
  • Therefore according to rule no. (3)
    The face opposite to the face which contains 2 point, will contains 6 points.
APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 26

Find the value of x in the given figure.

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 26

By the rule of tangents, we get:

⇒ 122 = (x + 7)x
⇒ 144 = x2 + 7x
⇒ x2 + 7x – 144 = 0
⇒ x2 +16x – 9x –144 = 0
⇒ x(x + 16) – 9(x + 16) = 0
⇒ x = 9 or –16

–16 can’t be the length, hence this value is discarded. Thus, x = 9

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 27

A bag contains 2 white balls, 3 black balls and 4 red balls. In how many ways can 3 balls be drawn from the bag, if at least one black ball is to be included in the draw? 

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 27

The bag contains 2 White, 3 Black and 4 Red balls.

So, total 9 balls are there in the bag; among them 3 are Black and 6 are non-Black balls.

Three balls can randomly be drawn in (9C3) = 84 ways.

1 Black and 2 non-Black balls can be drawn in (3C1)*(6C2) = 45 ways.

1 non-Black and 2 Black balls can be drawn in (6C1)*(3C2) = 18 ways.

3 Black balls can be drawn in (3C3) = 1 way.

So, three balls drawn in (45 + 18 + 1) = 64 ways will have at least one Black ball among the drawn ones.

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 28

A clock is started at noom. By 10 mimutes past 5, the hour hand has turned through:

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 28

Angle traced by hour hand in 12 hrs = 360º.
Angle traced by hour hand in 5 hrs 10 min. i.e., 31/6 hrs 
= (360/12)*(31/6)°
= 155º

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 29

The pie charts given below represent the market share of different players in the electronics market in the year 1995 and 2000. A new player F has entered the market in the given period.

Q. What is the percentage increase in the sales of A in the year 2000 over 1995?

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 29

There are two successive increases—First is the total increase of 60% approx. ($ 3.7 bn in 2000 from $ 2.3 billion in 1995) and second is the percentage share of A by 20% approx. Hence total percentage increase = 92%. 

APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 30

A certain function f satisfies the equation f(x)+2*f(6-x) = x for all real numbers x. The value of f(1) is

Detailed Solution for APPSC General Aptitude Mock Test - 2 - Question 30

Here's the Solution :

f(1)+2*f(6-1)=1......... (1)

f(5)+2*f(6-5)=5......... (2)

Substituting we have (2) in (1) we have :-


Hence answer f(1)=3.

Hence (A) is the correct answer.

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