What, according to the author, was the principal difference in the styles of Cezanne and Gauguin?
Which of the following statements can be inferred from the information given in the passage?
I) Picasso maintained accuracy of form even though he rejected external representation of objects
II) Gauguin’s work is less spiritual in nature than Kandinsky’s
III) If not for the title, one would not be able to recognize the natural object that inspired the art of a Cubist
Which of the following statements is the author least likely to agree with?
According to the passage, which is the least suitable statement about "righteousness" mentioned in the passage?
Which of the following statement can be inferred from the passage?
Which of the following is not a consequence of the consciousness towards the demand of a social obligation?
What is the primary purpose of the author?
Why does the author call the stress hormones a ‘double-edged sword’?
The author is likely to support all of the following statements, except:
What is the author’s main reason for advocating UBI?
Which of the following is most likely to be the topic of discussion after the final paragraph of the passage?
What is the main point of the last two paragraphs?
Which of the following responses would the author not agree with?
What point does the author try to make through the given passage?
All of the following statements are not true according to the passage except
Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage as true?
Read the following paragraph and choose the option that best captures its essence:
Eternal peace is a chimera. Whatever pains we may take to avoid war, there always comes a moment when tradition and interest, passion and affection clash and bring to pass the shock which we desired to avoid, a shock which, in the conditions within which civilisation evolves, appears not merely inevitable, but salutary. So we see that philosophers and historians have generally spoken of war as a necessary evil.
Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and enter the correct order as the answer.
Four sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged in proper order, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and enter the correct order as the answer.
Five sentences are given below. Four of these sentences, when rearranged properly, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. The fifth one does not belong to the same paragraph. Identify the one which does not belong to the paragraph and enter its number as the answer.
Five sentences are given below. Four of these, when rearranged properly, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Identify the sentence which does not belong to the paragraph and enter its number as the answer.
Arrange the following sentences in a logical order and enter the correct order of sentences in the space provided.
(1) Remember my advice for the future: Never accept a peach in company.
(2) Your sudden zeal to relieve those ladies of their plates serves as a very good excuse for the relinquishment of your own.
(3) Ah! I see your courage will not brave laughter.
(4) You have rescued yourself very well from your dilemma this time.
(5) You steal to the table, half ashamed of yourself as you set down your untasted peach.
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