If W > X, X > Y and Y > Z, then which of the following conclusions is definitely wrong?
In the following question assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the conclusion among given conclusions is/are definitely true and then give your answer accordingly.
L > F = S < T ≤ Q < P
I. F < Q
II. L > S
III. T < P
Some ants are parrots.
All the parrots are apples.
1. All the apples are parrots.
2. Some ants are apples.
Directions: Study the following information carefully to answer the given Questions:
P^Q-P is the child of Q
P!Q-P is the parent of Q
P*Q - P is elder to Q
P#Q-P is younger to Q
P@Q-P is brother of Q
P&Q - P is wife of Q
P+Q-P is sister-in-law of Q
Q. If G! A^T+J&O@L^P! G, then how is J related to A?
P is 15m to the west of Q. R is 13m to the south of Q and 5m to the east of S. T is 20m to the north of S.T is 10m to the east of U…….
In which direction U with respect to P
Point W is 7m towards the West of point X. Point X is 3m towards the North of point Y. Point Z is 4m towards West of point Y……………
If a person walks 3m towards South from point W and reaches point Q, which of the following 2 points would fall in straight line including Q
Point W is 7m towards the West of point X. Point X is 3m towards the North of point Y. Point Z is 4m towards West of point Y……………
Q.If a person walks 3m towards South from point W and reaches point Q, which of the following 2 points would fall in straight line including Q
Q. In a class of 60, where girls are twice that of boys, Kapil ranked seventeenth from the top. If there are 9 girls above Kapil, how many boys are after him in class?
The age of Amit is same as Sumit because they are twins, Richa is younger than Sumit, Richa is younger than Jyotsana but elder than Saurabh , Sumit is younger than Jyotsana. Who is the eldest among them ?
'College' is related to 'Teachers' in the same way as 'Hospital' is related to:
'Cat' is related to 'Kitten' in the same way as 'Woman' is related to:
'Much' is related to 'Many' in the same way as 'Measure' is related to:
Last year, the ratio between the salaries of A and B was 3 : 4. But, the ratios of their individual salaries between the last year and this year were 4 : 5 and 2 : 3, respectively. If the sum of their present salaries is Rs. 4160, then how much is the salary of A now?
In a cricket match Kumble took three wickets less than twice the number of wickets taken by Srinath. The product of the number of wickets taken by these two is 20, then the number of wickets taken by Kumble is
When a positive number n is divided by 7 leaves the remainder 2, when 3n is divided by the same number, then the remainder is
In an election between two candidates, one got 55% of the total valid votes, 20% of the votes were invalid. If the total number of votes was 7500, the number of valid votes that the other candidate got, was:
A and B together can do a piece of work in 50 days. If A is 40% less efficient than B, in how many days can A working alone complete 60% of the work?
A and B walk around a circular track. A and B walk at a speed of 2 rounds per hour and 3 rounds per hour respectively. If they start at 8 a.m. from the same point in opposite directions, how many times shall they cross each other before 9.30 a.m.?
Two vessels A and B contain spirit and water in the ratio 5 : 2 and 7 : 6 respectively. Find the ratio in which these mixture be mixed to obtain a new mixture in vessel C containing spirit and water in the ration 8 : 5 ?
A cistern can be filled by a tap in 3 hours while it can be emptied by another tap in 8 hours. If both the taps are opened simultaneously, then after how much time will the cistern get filled?
Two taps A and B can fill a tank in 5 hours and 20 hours respectively. If both the taps are open then due to a leakage, it took 40 minutes more to fill the tank. If the tank is full, how long will it take for the leakage alone to empty the tank?
A tablet is sold for ₹ 6612.5 at a profit of 15%. What would have been the actual profit or loss on it, if it had been sold for ₹ 5380?
In the decades following World War II, American business had undisputed control of the world economy, producing goods of such high quality and low cost that foreign corporations were unable to compete. But in the mid-1960s the United States began to lose its advantage and by the 1980s American corporations lagged behind the competition in many industries. In the computer chip industry, for example, American corporations had lost most of both domestic and foreign markets by the early 1980s.
The first analysts to examine the decline of American business blamed the U.S. government. They argued that stringent governmental restrictions on the behaviour of American corporations, combined with the wholehearted support given to foreign firms by their governments, created and environment in which American products could not compete. Later analysts blamed predatory corporate raiders who bought corporations, not to make them more competitive in the face of foreign competition, but rather to sell off the most lucrative divisions for huge profits.
Still later analysts blamed the American workforce, citing labour demands and poor productivity as the reasons American corporations have been unable to compete with Japanese and European firms. Finally, a few analysts even censured American consumers for their unpatriotic purchases of foreign goods. The blame actually lies with corporate management, which has made serious errors based on misconceptions about what it takes to be successful in the marketplace.
These missteps involve labour costs, production choices, and growth strategies. Even though labour costs typically account for less than 15% of a product‘s total cost, management has been quick to blame the costs of workers‘ wages for driving up prices, making American goods uncompetitive. As a result of attempts to minimize the cost of wages, American corporations have had trouble recruiting and retaining skilled workers.
The emphasis on cost minimization has also led to another blunder: an over-concentration on high technology products. Many foreign firms began by specializing in the mass production and sale of low technology products, gaining valuable experience and earning tremendous profits. Later, these corporations were able to break into high technology markets without much trouble; they simply applied their previous manufacturing experience and ample financial resources to the production of higher quality goods. American business has consistently ignored this very sensible approach.
The recent rash of corporate mergers and acquisitions in the U.S. has not helped the situation either. While American firms have neglected long-range planning and production, preferring instead to reap fast profits through mergers and acquisitions, foreign firms have been quick to exploit opportunities to ensure their domination over future markets by investing in the streamlining and modernization of their facilities.
Direction: Read the above Paragraph and answer the following questions.
Q. With which of the following general statements would the author most likely NOT agree?
Following sentences labelled 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 when arranged properly make a coherent passage. Enter the correct sequence after the arrangement.
1. After his earlier education at St. Anthony’s School, in Threadneedle Street, he was placed, as a boy, in the household of Cardinal John Morton, Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Chancellor.
2. The youth wore his patron’s livery, and added to his state.
3. The patron used, afterwards, his wealth or influence in helping his young client forward in the world.
4. It was not unusual for persons of wealth or influence and sons of good families to be so established together in a relation of patron and client.
5. Sir Thomas More, son of Sir John More, a justice of the King’s Bench, was born in 1478, in Milk Street, in the city of London.
The following sentences, when arranged properly, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Enter the correct sequence of the sentences
1. Not only are the camels, cattle, and sheep subjected to a tax, but every attempt at cultivation is thwarted by the authorities, who impose a fine or tax upon the superficial area of the cultivated land.
2. The principal object of Turks and Egyptians in annexation is to increase their power of taxation by gaining an additional number of subjects.
3. Thus, no one will cultivate more than is absolutely necessary, as he dreads the difficulties that broad acres of waving crops would entail upon his family.
4. Thus, although many advantages have accrued to the Arab provinces of Nubia through Egyptian rule, there exists very much mistrust between the governed and the governing.
5. The bona fide tax is a bagatelle to the amounts squeezed from him by the extortionate soldiery, who are the agents employed by the sheik.
Five sentences are given below, which when arranged properly, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the given sentences and enter the correct order as the answer.
1. When these habits have fixed themselves for long enough upon their victims, the nerves give way and severe depression or some other form of nervous prostration is the result.
2. If, however, there simply is an enforced rest, without any intelligent understanding of the trouble, the invalid gets "well" only to drag out a miserable existence or to get very ill again.
3. People form habits which cause nervous strain.
4. Although any nervous suffering is worthwhile if it is the means of teaching us how to avoid nervous strain, it certainly is far preferable to avoid the strain without the extreme pain of a nervous breakdown.
5. If such an illness turns the attention to its cause, and so starts the sufferer toward a radical change from habits which cause nervous strain to habits which bring nervous strength, then the illness can be the beginning of better and permanent health.