Shailja can express a number in different ways. For example 4 = 2 + 2 or 4 = 1 + 3 etc. She is in which of the following developmental phases of numbers?
"Problem solving" as a strategy of doing mathematics involves:
A teacher asks the students to encircle perfect square numbers in a given set of numbers. The objective achieved by this is -
Study the pie chart given below that shows the contribution of 5 girls for some social work. What will be the central angle of Megha’s contribution?
To teach various units of length to the students of Class III, a teacher shall take the following materials to the class:
Which of the following activities is best suited for the development of spatial understanding among children?
From the sum of a2 + 4b2 - 6ab, a2 - b2 + 2ab, b2 and a2 - 4ab, subtract - 2a2 + b2 - ab + a.
The students of the class 5 were able to attempt the problem correctly, but not able to solve the problem. "How many cake pieces are there in half a cake?" The reason is _____.
A disorder related to difficulty in ‘Moving from concrete to abstract’ is
A Class IV Mathematics test has a question, "Convert the fraction 5/6 into decimal". The question aims to test the students'
The following word problem was given to a child of class IV:
Mumbai has 336 bus stops. Delhi has 127 more bus stops than Mumbai. How many bus stops are there in all, in Delhi?"
The child's response to the above problem is recorded as- Total bus stops in Delhi are 336 + 127 = 463.
The teacher shall report about the child's performance as
When teaching 'shapes', a teacher can plan a trip of historical places as:
What is/are the method(s) used by a maths teacher to solve any linear equation?
The difference of (smallest common multiple of 4, 5 and 6) and (smallest common multiple of 5, 6 and 9) is:
To teach various units of length to the students of Class III, a teacher should take which of the following materials to the class?
Mathematics should not be compulsorily given place in school curriculum because:
According to Hogben, "Mathematics is the mirror of civilisation" this statement corresponds to which value of Mathematics?
Curriculum provides an idea about the nature and scope of the subject. So, curriculum used in Mathematics must be
To access the student's competency on solving of word problems based on addition and subtraction, rubrics of assessment are:
An Appropriate formative task to assess the student's understanding of data analysis is_____.
Which of the following (s) is/are the merit of mathematical games?
i. Concrete ideas became abstract.
ii. Learning is done in an open environment outside the boundaries of the four walls.
iii. The harmful effects of fear, anger, hatred, etc., can be easily guided.
Which method given below for acquiring the concept of multiplication does not conform to the approach to Mathematics learning?
To be a "good" mathematician one must be able to:
For a given figure to be a rhombus, the condition that the sum of two adjacent angles is equal to 180 degrees is
If (17.28 ÷ x) ÷ (3.6 × 0.2) = 2, then the value of x is:
Which of the following statement is not related to nature of Mathematics ?
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