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MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - MAHA TET MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test MAHA TET Mock Test Series 2025 - MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science)

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) for MAHA TET 2025 is part of MAHA TET Mock Test Series 2025 preparation. The MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) questions and answers have been prepared according to the MAHA TET exam syllabus.The MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) MCQs are made for MAHA TET 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) below.
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MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 1

The conclusion 'Children can learn violent behaviour depicted in movies' may be derived on the basis of the work done by which of the following psychologists?

Detailed Solution for MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 1

Bandura's major premise is that we can learn by observing others. He considers vicarious experience to be the typical way that human beings change. He uses the term 'modelling' to describe Campbell's two mid-range processes of response acquisition (observation of another's response and modelling), and he claims that modelling can have as much impact as direct experience.
Social learning theory is a general theory of human behaviour, but Bandura and people concerned with mass communication have used it specifically to explain media effects. Bandura warned that "children and adults acquire attitudes, emotional responses, and new styles of conduct through filmed and televised modelling." George Gerbner was concerned that television violence would create a false climate of fear. Albert Bandura cautioned that TV might create a violent reality that was worth fearing.

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 2

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of socially disadvantaged students?

Detailed Solution for MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 2

Socially Disadvantaged Students are the children who have hindrances to excelling in school because of detrimental circumstances beyond their control.

  • These include children from SC / ST and other socially and educationally backward categories based on cultural, economic, social, geographical, linguistic, gender, or other categories.
  • It also includes financial and social hardships as well as problems within students' families.
MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 3

'Learning is any change in behaviour, resulting from behaviour' who said it?

Detailed Solution for MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 3

Learning is a comprehensive process that refers to a change in behavior, knowledge, and skills as a result of practice and experience. It is difficult to give a precise definition of learning so every psychologist has different beliefs about the derivation of the word 'learning' and they have defined it in different ways.
Some well-known definitions of learning are as follows:

So, it could be concluded that the above-mentioned definition of learning is given by J.P. Guilford.

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 4

Do children acquire language because they are genetically predisposed to do so or because parents intensively teach them from an early age? This question essentially highlights

Detailed Solution for MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 4

Language acquired by the children helps in development of children. Since, children hear and learn from the sounds of speech even while they are still in the womb. Language learning accelerates once infants are born. This language learning affects cognitive development. Some effects are more specific to language whereas other are more general. Development is a multiple process which includes various things. And language is one of them.

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 5

Arrange the following stages of cognitive development as recommended by Piaget:
(A) Sensorimotor stage
(B) Concrete operational stage
(C) Pre-operational stage 
(D) Formal operational stage
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :

Detailed Solution for MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 5

Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist, proposed that children's cognitive development proceeds through four stages:

  • Sensorimotor stage (birth to 2 years): Children use their senses and motor abilities to understand the world around them. They learn through direct experiences with objects and people.
  • Preoperational stage (2 to 7 years): Children develop mental symbols to represent objects and ideas. They begin to use language and engage in pretend play.
  • Concrete operational stage (7 to 11 years): Children develop the ability to think logically and systematically about concrete objects and events. They become more skilled at solving problems.
  • Formal operational stage (11 years and beyond): Children develop abstract thinking skills and are able to reason logically about abstract concepts and hypothetical situations.

These stages are not fixed and children may move through them at different rates. The stages provide a general framework for understanding children's cognitive development and can help educators tailor their instruction to meet the needs and abilities of their students.

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 6

Kohlberg's idea of moral development has levels.

Detailed Solution for MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 6

Kohlberg's idea of moral development has three levels.

  • Lawrence Kohlberg, an American psychologist, has propounded the 'Theory of Moral Development'.
  • He has made a systematic study of moral development in his theory that is categorized in three levels and six stages.
  • He has studied moral development by posing moral dilemmas to groups of children as well as adolescents and adults.
MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 7

Motivation begins with needs that exist in all of us. The need that the student would tend to fulfil first pertains to

Detailed Solution for MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 7

The American motivation psychologist Abraham H. Maslow developed the hierarchy of needs consisting of five hierarchic classes. According to Maslow, people are motivated by unsatisfied needs. The needs listed from basic (lowest-earliest) to most complex (highest-latest) are as follows:

  • Physiology (hunger, thirst, sleep, etc.)
  • Safety/Security/Shelter/Health
  • Social/Love/Friendship
  • Self-esteem/Recognition/Achievement
  • Self-actualisation/achievement of full potential/can never be fully accomplished
MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 8

For ensuring and improving class discipline, the teacher should

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The teacher is responsible to keep the students active, disciplined, attentive, participative during the teaching-learning process. For all this, the teacher has to keep the students motivated so that they remain self-disciplined and actively perform in the classroom activity. 

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 9

Which one of the following is the key principles of inclusive education for children?

Detailed Solution for MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 9

The key principles of inclusive education for children:

  • Principle of Equality: Everyone has the right to access knowledge skill and information. Indian constitution guarantees some educational rights for the children. In spite of these provisions there are some group of people who are deprived of education because of some special causes or factor. But inclusive education includes all those section of people  and provides equality to all.
  • Principle of Participation: Inclusive education is based on the principle of participation. Inclusive education includes all the children in common educational settings where they can learn together without any discrimination. It provides opportunities for the students with disabilities for the active participation equally. Thus inclusive education promotes the participation for all children or adults in teaching learning process.
  • Principle of acceptance: It is another principle of inclusive education. Every parents wants to their child to lean or educate with all other students in a regular classroom and become able to lead their life independently. And it is base on this principle of acceptance of all children in education process irrespective of their disabilities.
  • Principle of Togetherness: Inclusive education provides such learning environment that promotes all round development of all learners together in the same educational setting. Irrespective of their caste, color and gender. So it is an approach which brings all children together in a common educational community.
MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 10

Which of the following statements is correct?

Detailed Solution for MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 10

Physical health and mental health are both interrelated. Poor mental health is a risk factor for chronic physical conditions.

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 11

Progressive education:

Detailed Solution for MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 11

The meaning of "progressive education" depends on the meaning assigned to the word 'progress'. Progress implies movement and movement involves changes in some direction. 'progressive education, is that body of educational thought that nourished in the fertile mind of John Dewey. 

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 12

Teachers blame learning problems in students based on:

Detailed Solution for MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 12

Teachers blame learning problems in students based on lack of Motivation.
Learning may be defined as “any relatively permanent change in behavior or behavioral potential produced by experience”.

  • One must remember that some behavioral changes occur due to the use of drugs, or fatigue.
  • Such changes are temporary. They are not considered learning.
  • Changes due to practice and experience, which are relatively permanent, are illustrative of learning.
MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 13

A certificate is given to children when they read a specific number of books. In the long run, this strategy might not work since

Detailed Solution for MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 13

This strategy might not work in the long run since this might lead to children reading only for getting the certificates. The students will be least interested in developing their reading or comprehensive skills, but would be more interested in increasing their collection of certificates and flaunting them in their friends' group.

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 14

NCF 2005 recommends that:

Detailed Solution for MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 14

The National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005 is a guideline for school education in India.

  • It emphasizes the importance of a child-centric approach to learning that emphasizes the child's holistic development.
MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 15

At the age of 6 - 9, children start taking interest in:

Detailed Solution for MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 15

At the age of 6-9 years, children start taking interest in school.
Developmental psychology studies the development of human emotional, intellectual, cognitive and social abilities. It studies the actions of man from infancy to old age.
The following are the stages of human development:
Infancy and Toddlerhood

  • Early childhood
  • Middle Childhood
  • Adolescence
  • Early Adulthood
MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 16

Which of the following statements is not true ?

Detailed Solution for MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 16

Growth is the expansion of some object, institution or population which is measurable and is always quantitative whereas development is related to qualitative improvement. Qualitative differences focus on changes in the way children think, behave, and perceive the world differently as they mature. Hence statement 4 is not true.

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 17

What type of questions asked by a teacher are convergent questions?

Detailed Solution for MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 17

Questions are an aid in the learning process and hence questioning skill is one of the important teaching skills required to be developed to conduct a successful classroom session by the teacher. Effective teachers use productive questions to help students advance in their thinking and to construct their own understandings.

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 18

What instructional adaptations should a teacher make while working with students who are ‘Visually Challenged’?

Detailed Solution for MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 18

In the teaching-learning process, visually challenged learners suffer from an issue with sight or vision but when they are facilitated with the right training and tools, they develop a good literacy ability.
Instructional adaptations that a teacher should make while working with visually challenged learners include:

  • using a lot of touches and feel materials.
  • giving verbal clues to create opportunities to imagine.
  • introducing tactile materials during classroom discussions.
  • speaking clearly and loudly with appropriate pauses and reiterations.
  • providing learning with the help of auditory systems such as an audio CD of the textbook, radio, etc.
  • using the braille system to make them read-write as its raised dots will help the child to study the words through the pattern.

A teacher should not use a variety of visual presentations and written tasks especially worksheets for visually challenged learners as it could lead to low self-esteem and feeling of failure in them.
So, it could be concluded that a teacher should speak clearly and use a lot of touches and feel materials while working with visually challenged learners.
Tactile materials: It refers to the inputs which children receive through the receptive sensors of their skins.
Braille system: It refers to a pattern of raised dots called "Braille" to represent letters, numbers, and punctuation marks, that can be felt with a finger.

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 19

Which of the following is NOT the tool for Formative Assessment in scholastic domain?

Detailed Solution for MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 19

Conversation skill is not a tool but a skill that is learnt using various tools.

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 20

The son of a doctor becomes an expert doctor. It is an example of:

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Social Heredity, suggests that the son's expertise as a doctor can be attributed to the influence of the doctor-parent's social environment. 
Social heredity refers to the transmission of cultural and social factors from one generation to the next. In this example, the son of a doctor benefits from growing up in an environment where medical knowledge, values, and practices are likely to be prevalent. Here's how social heredity plays a role:

  • Access to Resources: Being the child of a doctor, the son may have greater access to resources such as medical books, journals, and educational materials. These resources can provide early exposure to medical concepts, terminology, and research, setting a strong foundation for future expertise.
  • Educational Opportunities: The son may have received guidance and encouragement from the doctor-parent to pursue a career in medicine. This support can include recommendations for quality educational institutions, advice on relevant courses, and assistance with academic pursuits. Access to a robust education can greatly contribute to the son's development as an expert doctor.
  • Role Modeling: Growing up with a doctor-parent as a role model can inspire the son to follow in their footsteps. Observing the parent's dedication, work ethic, and passion for medicine can influence the son's career choice and motivate them to strive for excellence in their medical studies and practice.
  • Cultural Values and Expectations: In families with a medical background, there may be a strong emphasis on the importance of healthcare, patient well-being, and professionalism. These cultural values and expectations can shape the son's understanding of the medical field and instill a sense of responsibility and commitment to becoming an expert doctor.

Overall, the son's expertise as a doctor is not solely determined by biological heredity but is influenced significantly by social heredity, including the resources, educational opportunities, role modeling, and cultural values inherited from the doctor's parents' social environment.

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 21

Most classrooms in India are multilingual and this needs to be seen as ______by the teacher.

Detailed Solution for MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 21

Multilingualism is the ability to use more than two languages. Multilingualism is constitutive of the identity of a child and a typical feature of the Indian linguistic landscape, must be used as a resource, classroom strategy, and a goal by a teacher.
Benefits of Multilingual Classroom:

  • It emphasizes on the significance of a smooth transition between the home and school language.
  • Multilingualism encourages children to believe in themselves.
  • It shows a greater number of independent cognitive strategies at their disposal and exhibits greater flexibility in the use of these strategies to solve problems.
  • It is also a way of ensuring that every child feels secure and accepted and that no one is left behind on account of his / her linguistic background.
  • Multilingual children are capable of greater cognitive flexibility and creativity and perform better academically than monolinguals.

Thus, it could be concluded that most classrooms in India are multilingual and this needs to be seen as a resource by the teacher.

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 22

Which of the following will be the most appropriate to maximise learning?

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Due to propagation of exploratory and project-based learning, which is greatly influenced by cognitive characteristics of students, it is necessary to determine student's cognitive potential. Preliminary investigations have shown that it is possible to select an individual plan of a learning process for every student, ensuring successful learning of a whole subject field, on the assumption that the optimal cognitive strategy can be determined and realised.

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 23

The problem-solving strategy in which one begins from the goal and moves back sequentially to figure out the solution, is called -

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Problem-solving is an important part of thinking processes. In general, a problem is any kind of conflict or difference between one situation and another that one wishes to produce, that which is the goal. 

  • Problem-solving can be done either with or without insight and utilizes analytical, synthetic thinking along with metacognition.
  • An individual uses various kinds of methods or strategies to solve problems.
  • Some strategies when used take a long time but definitely give an answer. On the other hand, there are some other strategies that take lesser time but do not always guarantee success.
MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 24

The ____________ of learning in children, in which the learner perceives and responds to the whole situation, comes under Kohler's theory of understanding.

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The field theory of learning in children, in which the learner perceives and responds to the whole situation, comes under Kohler's theory of understanding.
The associative theory of learning in children is described on the basis of stimulus response. In this, a relationship is established between the stimulus response. It is also called stimulus response or S-R principle.

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 25

Which of the following are the external factors affecting the interest of students in a classroom?

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Goals and motives are the external factors that are affecting the interest of students in a classroom.

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 26

____ is usually high ability or aptitude in one or more areas to the point where special educated services are necessary.

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Giftedness refers to talent. The gifted students are essentially exceptional and generally show consistency in their performances and exhibit superiority in general intelligence. They are intrinsically motivated with high self-esteem. It is usually high ability or aptitude in one or more areas.

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 27

Which of the following statements should not be considered a characteristic of the learning process?

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Educational institution is the only place where learning takes place statement should not be considered a characteristic of the learning process.
Learning is the process of being modified, more or less permanently, by what happens in the world around us, by what we do, or by what we observe.
The characteristics of the learning process are:

  • Learning is a continuous process
  • Learning is comprehensive
  • Learning is goal-directed
  • Learning is intentional
  • Learning is an active process
  • Learning is the outcome of the interaction of the individual with the environment
  • Learning is individualistic
  • Un-learning is also a process of learning
  • Learning is transferable
MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 28

A child reasons – 'You do this for me and I'll do that for you.' In which stage of Kohlberg's moral reasoning would this child fall?

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Stage 2: Instrumental Relativist Orientation
Lawrence Kohlberg: Right action is "that which instrumentally satisfies one's own needs and occasionally the needs of others". "Human relations are viewed in terms like those of the marketplace; elements of fairness, reciprocity and equal sharing are present, but they are always interpreted in a physical or pragmatic way. Reciprocity is a matter of 'you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours', and not of loyalty, gratitude or justice."

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 29

Which of the following is not a means of developing social skills in students?

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Social skills refer to the abilities required to interact effectively with others. Developing social skills is an important aspect of education as it helps students in personal and professional growth.

MAHA TET Paper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy Test - 7 (Social Science) - Question 30

A child falling in love with a parent of other sex is the characteristic behavior of:

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If a child expresses affection for a parent of the opposite sex, it will be characterized by the phalic stage.
Freud's Psychological Stages of Development: Freud proposed a five-stage model of personality development. According to him, the main aspects of a person's personality develop by the age of five and remain unchanged throughout time. Furthermore, he said that in order to move from one stage to another, a child needs to successfully resolve the conflicts of each stage.

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