'She is too weak to walk.'
If you change the above sentence into a complex sentence correctly, then which of the following options will you get?
A student begins to fear public speaking after being ridiculed by her classmates during a recitation exercise. In classical conditioning terms, her newly acquired 'fear' would be due to a/an
A language learning textbook for the first grade begins first with the alphabet, two-letter words, three letter words, and then stories and poems. Which method has been followed in this textbook?
The investigations which are conducted to check what the student learns while in school are called:
Directions: Select the most appropriate option.
Standardised assessment means ____ assessment.
'Teachers should consider a child's prospective learning power before trying to expand the child's grasp of language. 'These are the views of
Which of the following are the ways to teach language to children in a classroom?
I. Teaching through activities
II. Telling the summary of the lesson after explaining it
III. Telling the children to study the lessons by themselves only
IV. Teaching them science instead of languages to boost their scientific analysis
Karuna, a teacher, decided to give some tasks to the students after teaching them a poem. Which of the following tasks would she select so that the students can participate actively?
Direction: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Some words may be highlighted for you. Pay careful attention.
It is important to first understand what Artificial Intelligence (AI) actually is. According to the definition of AI in the Oxford dictionary, Artificial Intelligence is intelligence exhibited by machines. In computer science, an ideal "intelligent" machine is a flexible rational agent that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of success at some goal. Thus, when a machine mimics a human-like behaviour e.g. learning, planning, reasoning, problem-solving, the perception of the environment, natural language processing etc., then it falls under the category of Artificial Intelligence. Despite the fact that we are counting on Artificial Intelligence as the next tool to revolutionize the way we live, work and interact with each other -- which will be mostly enabled by machine-learning techniques – it remains unclear as to how these intelligent agents will help to solve more complex problems than the ones existing today (e.g. Poverty, Epidemics, climate changes) while keeping in mind that the state of the art in AI today is to intelligently recognize images and smartly playing games.
Nevertheless, if it does improve, then it will be no less than a superhuman intelligence and the question arising is that if we do not have a legal framework to prevent malicious use of this intelligence, then it might put the entire humanity on the verge of devastation too. If we also look at the present situation and who is involved in riding the waves of progress in Artificial Intelligence, then one can easily find big enterprises like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and IBM are the ones who are big players in the field. The progress in AI is also bringing steady consequences e.g. eradicating jobs by the means of work automation, one such scenario can be seen in the Industry 4.0 framework, which is nowadays in use in the automobile industry. Industry 4.0 creates what has been called a ‘smart factory’ wherein a large number of robots take forward the whole manufacturing process with the help of cyber-physical systems, IoT and cloud computing.
Q. When does a machine fall under the category of Artificial Intelligence?
Students can improve their comprehension of written material if they use a strategy called SQ4R, which is
Which of the following is/are sub-skill/s of writing skills?
A. Writing letters of the alphabet at a reasonable speed
B. Spelling out words correctly
C. Inferring from text
D. An acceptable degree of fluency
A good language proficiency test:
Directions: Choose the appropriate word group for the underlined words in the given sentence.
My grandfather is 90 but he is as fit as a fiddle.
Given below are two statements : One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R) :
Assertion (A) : A learner centered approach provides best experience for learners.
Reason (R) : Learner centered approach does not acknowledge the needs of the learner as central to learning experience.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below :
Direction: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
She was one of those pretty and charming girls born, as if by an error of fate, into a family of clerks. She had no dowry, no expectations, no means of becoming known, understood, loved, or wedded by a man of wealth and distinction. So she let herself be married to a minor official at the Ministry of Education.
She dressed plainly because she had never been able to afford anything better, but she was as unhappy as if she had once been wealthy. Women don't belong to a caste or class; their beauty, grace, and natural charm take the place of birth and family. Natural delicacy, instinctive elegance, and a quick wit determine their place in society and make the daughters of commoners the equals of the very finest ladies.
She suffered endlessly, feeling she was entitled to all the delicacies and luxuries of life. She suffered because of the poorness of her house as she looked at the dirty walls, the worn-out chairs, and the ugly curtains. All these things that another woman of her class would not even have noticed tormented her and made her resentful. The sight of the little Brenton girl who did her housework filled her with terrible regrets and hopeless fantasies. She dreamed of silent antechambers hung with Oriental tapestries, lit from above by torches in bronze holders, while two tall footmen in knee-length breeches napped in huge armchairs, sleepy from the stove's oppressive warmth. She dreamed of vast living rooms furnished in rare old silks, elegant furniture loaded with priceless ornaments, and inviting smaller rooms, perfumed, made for afternoon chats with close friends - famous, sought after men, who all women envy and desire.
When she sat down to dinner at a round table covered with a three-day-old cloth opposite her husband who, lifting the lid off the soup, shouted excitedly, "Ah! Beef stew! What could be better," she dreamed of fine dinners, of shining silverware, of tapestries which peopled the walls with figures from another time and strange birds in fairy forests; she dreamed of delicious dishes served on wonderful plates, of whispered gallantries listened to with an inscrutable smile as one ate the pink flesh of a trout or the wings of a quail.
Q. She dressed plainly because:
Directions: In the following sentence, an idiomatic expression or a proverb is underlined. Select the alternative which best describes its use in the sentence.
The police will leave no stone unturned to discover the murderer.
Which of the following is/are advantages of using multilingualism as a resource in classroom?
(i) Exposure to multiple languages at the same time.
(ii) Greater linguistic and cognitive flexibility
(iii) Restricted employment opportunities
(iv) Conflicts in classroom because of different culture
Which one of the following is not a method of remedial teaching in the teaching of Hindi language?
What is colour azure?
Ongoing and continuous formative evaluation can become meaningful only when
A language teacher wants to create an environment that is conducive to learning. Which statement will be least important to the language teacher?
A person sitting behind you in a cinema starts talking on the mobile phone and you want to tell him/her to stop.
Choose how you will make the request.
The two-word stage of language acquisition which is also known as telegraphic speech includes words like:
I. mim-mim-mai-yaaaaa, ba-ba-ga-ga
II. mummii khaanaa, ghuumii jaana
Remedial program is designed keeping in mind:
How many sounds are there in the English language?
To be a good reader, you need to increase your student's vocabulary. Which of the following will make it possible?
Which of the following psychologists is associated with ‘language development’?
Directions: Identify the antonym of the underlined word in the following sentence.
At school, the boy had erratic behaviour.
What is inclusive language?
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely, and the grass was richly green. The people of the village began to gather in the square, between the post office and the bank, around ten o’clock; in some towns, there were so many people that the lottery took two days and had to be started on June 20th, but in this village, where there were only about three hundred people, the whole lottery took less than two hours so that it could begin at ten o’clock in the morning and still be through in time to allow the villagers to get home for noon dinner.
The children assembled first, of course. The school was recently over for the summer, and the feeling of liberty sat uneasily on most of them; they tended to gather together quietly for a while before they broke into boisterous play, and their talk was still of the classroom and the teacher, of books and reprimands. Bobby Martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones, and the other boys soon followed his example, selecting the smoothest and roundest stones; Bobby and Harry Jones and Dickie Delacroix—the villagers pronounced this name “Dellacroy”—eventually made a great pile of stones in one corner of the square and guarded it against the raids of the other boys. The girls stood aside, talking among themselves, looking over their shoulders at the boys, and the tiny children rolled in the dust or clung to the hands of their older brothers or sisters.
Soon the men began to gather, surveying their own children, speaking of planting and rain, tractors and taxes. They stood together, away from the pile of stones in the corner, and their jokes were quiet, and they smiled rather than laughed. The women, wearing faded house dresses and sweaters, came shortly after their menfolk. They greeted one another and exchanged bits of gossip as they went to join their husbands. Soon the women, standing by their husbands, began to call to their children, and the children came reluctantly, having to be called four or five times. Bobby Martin ducked under his mother’s grasping hand and ran, laughing, back to the pile of stones. His father spoke up sharply, and Bobby came quickly and took his place between his father and his oldest brother.
Q. The people of the village began to gather in the square, between the post office and the bank, around:
100 tests