Assertion (A) - Sufis were Muslim mystics.
Reasoning (R) - The Sufi masters held their assemblies in their khanqahs or hospices.
Choose the correct option.
Who was the first Vice-Chairman of Constituent Assembly–
Which one is not a characteristic of summative evaluation?
In the middle of the 19th century, British historians divided history of India into three periods—Hindu India, Muslim India and British India. What was the basis of this division?
You are teaching 'Unity in Diversity' to the students of Class-VIII. Which of the following activities would you do to make the students understand the concept effectively?
Parents of a first generation learner express their inability to help their child in dealing with his/her educational problems during a PTA. As a teacher, you should
Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq transferred his capital from Delhi to ______.
If politicians in one state decides to not allow labourers from other states to work in his state, which fundamental rights will be violated?
The nature of social science is best represented:
The difference between compound interest and simple interest on an amount of Rs. 15, 000 for 2 years is Rs. 96. What is the rate of interest per annum?
Deficiency of copper in the body causes
Arrange methane, ethane, propane and butane in order of increasing boiling points.
Consider the following pairs:
Which of the following options is correct?
A teacher wants to hand over a project on 'Revolt of 1857' based on primary sources. Which of the following is not a primary source?
The common approaches used in social sciences for understanding concepts are
A. thematic
B. interdisciplinary
C. multidisciplinary
D. constructivist
Who among the following could not be a member of a Sabha as laid down in the inscriptions from Uttaramerur in Chingleput district of Tamil Nadu?
Which of the following statements is incorrect about Social Science?
Which of the following part of alluvial plain of India soils contain calcareous concretions (Kankars)?
Which one of the following is not the aim of Social Science teaching?
For teaching current events in social science, which activity is most suitable?
Which of the following complements diversity?
Social Science should equip children with
Doing activities with children will be effective only if
Which of the following planet/planets in the solar system have no satellite?
If a learner has not understood certain concepts in social science subject or showing poor performance regularly in social science subject, then which type of assessment is conducted by the teacher?
Which of the following is most emphasized in teaching work involving integrated learning?
Which of the following statements about the Atlantic Ocean are true?
A. It is 'S' shaped.
B. Its coastline is smooth and straight.
C. It is the busiest ocean from commercial viewpoint.
More often, discussions on government and its functioning lead to extreme views. Therefore, teacher should
While discussing the functions of a state government, issues related to health, water, transport etc. may be discussed to
100 tests