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Which of the following works are written by Roger Ascham?
A. Schoolmaster
B. Toxophilus
C. The Boke named the Governour
D. Of the Knowledge which maketh a Wise Man
As Adam and Eve leave Paradise, “hand in hand with wand’ring steps and slow” (Book XII, Paradise Lost) what is their consolation?
Assertion (A) : Gulliver's Travels earned Jonathan Swift the bad name of being a misanthrope.
Reason (R) : Swift in the novel was neutral to the image of man.
The play was written in 1881 when its author was in Italy. This is considered to be his most remarkable intellectual effort. The softening of the brain as a result of a disease inherited from his father is the subject. Which is the play?
The Grammar-Translation Method in English Language Teaching stresses on
Which of the following cannot be classified as fantasy fiction?
By which of the following names does Volpone refer to his treasure (his money) in Act I, scene I ?
The Hind and the Panther Transvers'd to the Story of the Country Mouse and the City Mouse is a satire on
“The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power,
And all that beauty, all that wealth e’er gave,
Awaits alike the inevitable hour
The paths of glory lead but to the grave. “
What is the subject of awaits?
“Like walking, criticism is a pretty nearly universal art; both require a constant intricate shifting and catching of balance; neither can be questioned much in process; and few perform either really well. For either a new terrain is fatiguing and awkward, and in our day most men prefer paved walks and some form of rapid transportsome easy theory or overmastering dogma. ”(R. P. Blackmur, “A Critic’s Job of Work”)
(1) Blackmur compares walking with criticism because he considers both to be “arts” of a similar kind that call for attention to detail and utmost care.
(2) Blackmur admits that some people do however manage to be good critics and good walkers.
(3) Critics prefer tried and tested approaches for much the same reason as Walkers would look for paved walks and rapid transport.
(4) Blackmur does not quite give us the equivalents of “Some paved walks and some form of rapid transport” in order to press his comparison.
"Great wits are sure to madness near allied
And thin partitions do their bounds divide". The above lines appear in...
The Mistakes of a Night is the subtitle of