Find the number which is common to all three figures.
P is 6 km west from point Q. Point R is 4 km north to point Q. S is 12 km south from point R. Now point S in which direction and how far from point P?
Direction: If a Paper (Transparent Sheet) is folded in a manner and a design or pattern is drawn. When unfolded this paper appears as given below in the answer figure. Choose the correct answer figure given below.
Find out from the four alternatives as how the pattern would appear when the transparent sheet is folded at the dotted line.
Question Figure
Answer figure
Direction: In the following questions choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.
Where was the 1931 session of Indian National Congress held?
In this questions, a number series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative that will continue the same pattern and fill in the black spaces.
Q. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, (____)
Eight friends- P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting around a circular table but not necessarily in the same order. All of them are facing the center. Who is facing V?
Statement I: V is sitting to the immediate left of W. R is sitting 2nd to the left of S.
Statement II: Q is sitting 2nd to the left of T. T is facing P. The number of friends sitting between P and Q is same as the number of friends sitting between P and W.
Directions: In each of the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active (or Passive) Voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one that best expresses the same sentence in Passive/ Active Voice.
We must respect the elders.
The maximum n permissible shear stress given in BIS 456-1978 is based on
The effective slenderness ratio of a column fixed at both ends is:
Broadly spaced contour lines on a map show that the area is
Net sectional area of a tension member is equal to its gross sectional area -
Coefficient of permeability of soil varies approximately as -
The difference between face left and face right observation of theodolite is 3’. The error is -
A circular shaft can transmit a torque of 5kNm. If the torque is reduced to 4kNm, then the maximum value of bending moment that can be applied to the shaft is-
In a pipe when the valve is closed suddenly, then due to high pressure
The concrete mix which causes difficulty is obtaining a smooth finish is known to possess.
The boundary between the pavement and shoulder in known as:
If the thickness of the thinnest outside plate is 20 mm, then the maximum pitch of rivets in tension will be taken as -
If t is the thickness of the thinner plate, the distance between the centers of any two adjacent fasteners shall not exceed.
Bernoulli's equation refers to the conservation of-
For completion of a project, the critical path of a network represents-
Permissible compressive strength of M 200 concrete grade is-
The length of the straight portion of a bar beyond the end of the hook should be at least-
One of the following is not a type of stairs. Mark the same,
Which of the following represents Darcy’s friction factor in terms of Reynolds number (Re) for the laminar flow in circular pipes?