The angle of contact for the liquid which wets the walls of the vessel is
The surface tension of a soap solution is 0.05 Nm-1. How much work is done to produce a soap bubble of radius 0.03 m?
The property by virtue of which the free surface of a liquid at rest behaves like an elastic stretched membrane tending to contract so as to occupy minimum surface area is known as
The force required to take away a flat plate of radius 4 cm from the surface of water is (surface tension of water = 70 dyne/cm)
The liquid that does not wet the solid surface has an ______ angle of contact.
When wetting agents like soap or dyes are added to water, the angle of contact becomes
When the salt is added to water, the surface tension of liquid mixture will
The pressure inside a soap bubble of radius R and surface tension S is
Which of the following expression is true for surface tension?
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