A carnot engine is made to work on amonoatomic gas first (g = 1.67) and then on adia atomic gas (g = 1.4). Among the two whichwill have better efficiency
Two carnot engine are in series operatingbetween source temperature of 180º C and 20ºCsink temperature. If both produce equal amountof work the intermediated temperature is.
Which law of thermodynamics predicts the degree of completion of chemical reactions.
Isentropic flow is always
1. zero increase in entropy flow.
2. revertrible adiabatic flow.
3. Frictionless reversible flow.
Joule thomson coefficient is the slope of constantenthalpy lines in
For a pure substance, the degree of freedom forsaturated vapour and superheated vapour are
At tripple point of water which of the followingcan be found.
The term which can differentiate thermodynamics from other sciences is ____.
Which of the following is a pure substance
i. Gaseous combustion product
ii. Dry air
iii. Moist Air
During boiling vapour pressure is _______ toatmospheric pressure.
Change of state ex. freezing, melting, evaporationetc. are
A vessel of volume 1m3 contains oxygen(molecular weight = 32) at P = 1 bar and T = 47º C. The mass of oxygen in vessel is [R = 8314 J/mol-k]
As temperature increases values of Cp, Cv and g for polyatomic gas
The heat transfer in a polytropic process can be given as.
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