Which of the following forces are consider in Navier stokes eq.
a. Pressure
b. viscous
c. Turbulence
d. gravity
e. surface Tension
For laminar flow between two flat plates the flow varies as
A what distance r from center of pipe of radiusR does average velocity occurs in a laminar flow
The shear force on a plate of area 1m2 whenlubricating oil of viscosity 9.81 poise. Filled b/wtwo parallel plate 1 cm apart moving with relatedvelocity of 2m/s.
Power transmitted through a pipe is given by :-
Q → Discharge
H → Net head Available
hf → Head loss due to friction in pipe
If the end of a pipe is suddenly closed which phenomenon would occur.
Air is flowing over a flat plate with a free streamvelocity of 24 m/s and its kinematic viscosity is 75 × 10-6 m2/s. It at a particular point reynoldsno. is 24000, the distance of the point from leading edge will be,
Which of the following chart is relation betweenfriction factor, reynolds no. and relative roughness
For towing of ships in a sea which of the followingmodel law would you use
The drag force encountered by a fluid on a bodyimmersed in the fluid is due to
When pressure drag is greater than that of frictiondrag the shape of the body is
The force on a curved place due to a jet of area 'a' velocity 'v' and angle of deflection 'o' is .
Heat transferred at constant pressure _____ the enthalpy of a system.
If hm = mechanical efficiency
hh = hydraulic efficiency
hg = generating efficiency
ho = overall efficiency
Which of the following is true: -
For pelton turbine with blade angle ( Ø )maximum efficiency when u = v/2 is given by
Francis Turbine is a
a. Inward flow
b. outward flow
c. radial
d. Tangential
e. Reaction
f. Impulse
It Do = Dia at outlet
Dn = Dia of hub
Vf = Flow velocity
Vw = whrill velocity
V = Absolute velocity Flow through an axial turbine can be given as
No. of vanes in a radial turbine and axial turbineare respectively
The discharge of double acting Reciprocating pump can be given as
The speed ratio of pelton wheel operating undera head of 900 m is 0.45. what is the peripheralvelocity of the turbine wheel.
Cavitation in hydraulic machines occurs at
1. Exit of pump
2. Entry of turbine
Which of the statements is correct
Consider the following data for the performance of a centrifugal pump.
Speed = 1000 rpm.
flow = 50 liters persecond
head = 20 m
power = 10 kW.
It the speed is increased to 1500 rpm, the powerwill be nearly equal to
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