Directions forthe following 8 (eight) items:
Read the following two passages and answer the items that follow each passage. Your answers to these items should be based on these passages only.
Passage 1
We live in a legal environment where the rule of sub-judice is regarded as an anachronism, emanating from a time when all trials were decided by jurors susceptible to influence by what was published in the press. By and large, the law of sub judice, which regulates the dissemination of matter under the consideration of the court, is a dead letter. In such a context, the Supreme Court's judgment last year, justifying a ban on the publication of court proceedings in certain cases is likely to have a chilling effect on the freedom of the press and the very idea of an open trial. Mercifully, the Court refused to lay down broad guidelines for reporting ongoing cases. But though its order books like a restatement of the Mirajkar case in which a nine member bench ruled that the right to open justice is not absolute, the Court has likely upset the "difficult Constitutional balance" between freedom of expression and the administration ofjustice that the landmark 1966 judgment established. Indeed, by emphasizing the right of an aggrieved person to seek postponement of media coverage of an ongoing case by approaching the appropriate writ court, there is a danger that gag orders may become commonplace. At a minimum, the door has been opened to hundreds and thousands of additional writs- a burden our legal system is unprepared to handle- filed by accused persons with means
The fivejudge bench cited precedents in many jurisdictions to maintain "There is power in the courts to postpone the reporting ofjudicial proceedings in the administration ofjustice." Even in the USA, where the First Amendment trumps any restriction placed on rights to free speech, the courts have evolved ‘neutralizing devices' to prevent the corruption of the administration ofjustice. But set aside the judicial reasoning and consider its possible impact. Powerful defendants in high profile cases will try their best to get postponement orders despite the very strict criteria laid down by the Supreme Court. Moreover, gag orders issued in contravention of the doctrines of necessity and proportionality may take a long time to vacate, thus robbing the public of its right to know. The public scrutiny of courts is critical in ensuring that the judges do justice; a lack of awareness of what goes on in a courtroom can only undermine the public confidence in the judicial system. The same Mirajkarjudgment also said restraint on publication and closed door units could apply only in exceptional cases.
Q.Consider the following statements:
1. Gag orders on the press were justifies in the past due to the possibility ofjurors being influenced by the news
2. The monetary ban on publication of court proceedings has upheld the freedom of expression With reference to the above passage, which ofthe following assumptions is/are valid?
Passage - 2
Peter Morton woke with a start to face the first fight. Rain tapped against the glass. It was January the fifth. He looked across a table on which a night light had guttered into a pool of water, at the other bed. Francis was still asleep and Peter lay down again with his eyes on his brother. It amused him to imagine it was himself whom he watched, the same hair, the same eyes, the same lips and line of cheek. But the thought palled, and the mind went back to the fact which lent the day importance. It was the fifth ofjanuary. He could hardly believe a year had passed since Mrs. Henne Falcon had given her last children's party.
The district where you are working as a collector has been affected by a severe drought. The majority of the population, which was clearly impoverished, has been hit hard by the non availability of the staple food grain. However, the government storages are full of grains and some of it is on the verge of decay. In this situation, you will
You are a police constable on duty and notice two people on a bike riding without helmets. You ask them to pull over and are about to fine them when the driver tells you that they could not put on their helmets as the pillion rider is extremely sick and needs to be taken to the hospital urgently. You will
Statement: Many cases of cholera were reported from a nearby village.
Courses of action:
I. Man in the photograph is the only son ofTanya's grandfather.
II. The man in the photograph has no brothers or sisters and his father is Tanya's grandfather.
Q.How is Tanya related to the man in the photograph ?
Directions forthe following 11 (eleven) items:
Read the following three passages and answer the items that follow each passage. Your answers to these items should be based on these passages only.
Passage 1
Any government that runs on a huge fiscal deficit has to, at some point, finance that deficit by creating money through borrowings. When the government does that, there is more money chasing the same number of goods and services in the economy. The result is a hike in prices, or inflation. At 5.1%, India's fiscal deficit is dangerously high, controlling which should have been the government's highest priority. Raising diesel prices by 14% such that the subsidy bill on the fuel falls will help bring this deficit under control. To put that issue in perspective, at Rs.47,800 crore oil subsidies for the first quarter of the current financial year have already exceeded the full year's budgeted figure.
For consumers already reeling under a double digit onslaught of food prices, the hike in the diesel prices will hurt, no doubt. Part of this increase can be neutralized, by cutting excise duties on the fuel, for instance. But for successive governments that have been unable to curb spending on vote buying schemes- some of them crucial - or on an inflated and unproductive bureaucracy, the other option is to increase taxes and return to the sky high rates of the coercive 1970s, a regime that is best behind us.
This brings us to the next issue: economic growth. With a high fiscal deficit that keeps inflation high, there is no way the RBI will cut interest rates. Even though most ofthe inflationary expectations are coming from goods outside India's control- crude oil imports, a falling rupee and a globally rising food and commodity prices- RBI's stance has been to keep policy rates high so that thousands cut down on discretionary grounds. In the process, home loan EMIs have been rising and along with inflation on one side, scissoring household targets.
Making matters more complex is the fact that today the sovereign has very little control over its finances. Like it or nor, India cant and will not grow at 9% if the rest of the world is contracting, thereby closing business opportunities- there, the UPA government is right. "The political power of the sovereign goes down with every move towards globalization," Kaushik Basu said. "Economics has become an instrument of global, political and even military strategy." To illustrate, Indian farmers and businesses get affected by WTO negotiations, Indian workers by ILO negotiations, Indian fiscal policy by G20 communities, Indian markets by QE3.
Q.From the passage, it can be inferred that the main aim of the author is
1. A is the sister of C.
2. E is the husband of A.
Q.B is the brother ofA. How is A related toB?
Directions forthe following 4 (four) items:
Read the following passage and answer the items that follow this passage. Your answers to these items should be based on this passage only.
Passage 1
Volatility in capital flows resulting from the spillover effects of monetary policy choices and other uncertainties in the advanced financial markets further impacted exchange rates and made the task of macro- economic management difficult in many emerging economies. This has brought out a new dimension of globalisation in the post financial crisis world, where easy monetary policy in one set of countries may result in inflation elsewhere due to cross border capital flows.
The changes in composition of the global economy suggest a percentile shift in the global balance of output of goods, especially manufacturing. While services, in particular financial services, continue to be largely concentrated in advanced economies, a large share in world population, coupled with higher growth, implies, that the Emerging Market Economies (EMEs) and developing countries will increasingly account for incremental
growth in the global market forgoods and services. Even if the emerging economies, including India, witnessed a slow growth in 2011, growth prospects of most ofthese economies remain robust in the medium to long run due to various factors such as demographics and size of the domestic market, apart from high rates of investment and savings.
Q.Consider the following statements-
1. The new dimension of globalisation is an outcome of difficult macro-economic management scenario.
2. Monetary policy in a set of countries can potentially affect other countries.
With reference to the above passage, which ofthe following assumptions is/are valid?
Passage 3
The relation between gender and poverty is a complex and controversial topic that is now being debated more than ever before. Although much policymaking has been informed by the idea of feminization of poverty, the precise nature of the nexus between gender and poverty needs to be better understood and operationalized in policymaking. The difficulty originates from the different shapes and forms gender inequalities and poverty take depending on the economic, social and ideological context. Yet another difficulty involves the scarcity of gender disaggregated data for a number of countries. For the last three decades, many women's advocates have been arguing that women are poorer than men. The most common empirical expression of this idea is the concept of feminization of poverty. This idea has become popular both in shaping analyses of poverty and poverty alleviation strategies. Thus, targeting women has become one vehicle for gender sensitive poverty alleviation. Poor women have become the explicit focus of policymaking, for example, in the area of microcredit programs and income generation activities.
However, the universal validity of the feminization of poverty is being empirically challenged. Although the idea that there are gender differences in experiences of poverty is not abandoned, a more nuanced and complex analysis of poverty and gender inequalities is emerging. This, in turn, is giving rise to a more gender aware approach to poverty elimination strategies.
Q.Consider the following statements-
1.Policymaking, till date, has ignored the link between poverty and gender.
2.Gender disaggregated data is important for formulating policies that factor in the link between poverty and gender.
With reference to the above passage, which ofthe following statements is/are valid?
1.Anjali was born on an even date of the month.
2.Anjali's birth date was a prime number.
Q.On which date of the month was Anjali born in February 2004 ?
Passage 2
There is a controversy raging over the entry of giants such as Tesco and the Wall Mart into India after the government permitted FDI in multi-brand retail. Most economic analysts look at it in terms of capital coming into India to oust local shopkeepers or in terms of capital coming in to offer better prices to farmers or set up distribution chains and storage facilities to help consumers. These arguments seem a little old. There is a technological dimension to this that may reveal that it is India that it is India that is behind the competitive edge of big retail chains.
In 2009, Walmart picked Bangalore based Infosys Technologies and India centric Cognizant among three information technology service vendors for a $600 million multi-year contract. Finance is now easily available for retail companies from banks and equity markets. What sets the real smart retail giants apart is their ability to leverage software and IT to keep their competitive edge.
Supply chain software can help lower costs by managing inventories. Data analytics and customer relations software can help them identify the more lucrative customers or choose discount strategies. Partners, employees and vendors of retail giants are now connected by software Indian talent figures in all this.
Infosys was an early adapter ofWalmart's move to go in for radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags that helps the retail chain track inventories at low cost.
Last year, Walmart also acquired Kosmix, a cutting edge search engine, founded by Indian born Venky Harinarayan and Anand Rajaraman (who earlier co-founded that Amazon acquired). Now Kosmix is a part of Walmart Labs. Its technology filters and aggregates information by topic from Twitter messages and the larger Web in real time. This is a new way to interact with shoppers.
Tesco now owes its edge to its Bangalore IT facility called the "Hindustan Service Centre". The British retail chain says 6000 employee strong HSC's strategic initiatives coverthe "IT, business, financial, commercial and property aspects." In Bangalore, Indian techies develop tools like mobile applications for Tesco.
Q.Which of the following options best explains the purpose of the last four paragraphs?
Passage 1
Any government that runs on a huge fiscal deficit has to, at some point, finance that deficit by creating money through borrowings. When the government does that, there is more money chasing the same number of goods and services in the economy. The result is a hike in prices, or inflation. At 5.1%, India's fiscal deficit is dangerously high, controlling which should have been the government's highest priority. Raising diesel prices by 14% such that the subsidy bill on the fuel falls will help bring this deficit under control. To put that issue in perspective, at Rs.47,800 crore oil subsidies for the first quarter of the current financial year have already exceeded the full year's budgeted figure.
For consumers already reeling under a double digit onslaught of food prices, the hike in the diesel prices will hurt, no doubt. Part of this increase can be neutralized, by cutting excise duties on the fuel, for instance. But for successive governments that have been unable to curb spending on vote buying schemes- some of them crucial - or on an inflated and unproductive bureaucracy, the other option is to increase taxes and return to the sky high rates of the coercive 1970s, a regime that is best behind us.
This brings us to the next issue: economic growth. With a high fiscal deficit that keeps inflation high, there is no way the RBI will cut interest rates. Even though most ofthe inflationary expectations are coming from goods outside India's control- crude oil imports, a falling rupee and a globally rising food and commodity prices- RBI's stance has been to keep policy rates high so that thousands cut down on discretionary grounds. In the process, home loan EMIs have been rising and along with inflation on one side, scissoring household targets.
Making matters more complex is the fact that today the sovereign has very little control over its finances. Like it or nor, India cant and will not grow at 9% if the rest of the world is contracting, thereby closing business opportunities- there, the UPA government is right. "The political power of the sovereign goes down with every move towards globalization," Kaushik Basu said. "Economics has become an instrument of global, political and even military strategy." To illustrate, Indian farmers and businesses get affected by WTO negotiations, Indian workers by ILO negotiations, Indian fiscal policy by G20 communities, Indian markets by QE3.
Q.Consider the following statements:
1.Globalization ensures that economies have less autonomy and thus less say in matters of their economic growth.
2.The WTO has adversely affected the Indian farmer and the prospects of agricultural goods in the country. With reference to the above passage, which ofthe following assumptions is/are valid?
1. xisa multiple of 4.
2. xisa multiple of 5.
Q.What is the remainder when x is divided by 20?
You are an administrative authority. One of the new employees working under you has expressed concern that developmental work in the district is suffering because the senior members in his team are not open to new ideas. You would:
You are newly appointed as secretary in the telecom commission. The commission is ready to sell the radio wave spectrum to private companies. After the scrutiny of the documents you have come to know that the price at which the spectrum is being sold is substantially lower than the current market valuation. You think that this may cause a huge loss. You will
1. One-fourth of the weight of each pole is 5 kg.
2. The total weight ofthree poles is 20 kilograms more than the total weight oftwo poles.
Q. What will be the total weight of 10 poles, each of the same weight ?
Directions forthe following 5 (five) items:
Each of the items below consists of a question and two statements. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Give answer as:
1. The ratio of a:b = 1:5
2. The ratio of b:c = 3:2
Q.What is the value of the ratio (a +c ) :c?
You are the parliamentary affairs minister of your country. The members of the opposition party create a hue and cry about each and every issue, reasonable or otherwise. They demand a probe into every other issue and halt the functioning of the parliament. As a result, the functioning of the parliament has been paralysed. What would you do to restore the proper functioning of the Parliament
Study the following information carefully to answer the questions.
Amul, Byomkesh, Chaman, Diksha, Emily, Fahim and Gauri are seated in a straight line facing north but not necessarily in the same order.
Who are immediate neighbours of Chaman?
1. The company sold 8000 units of product A each costing Rs. 25.
2. This company has no other product line.
Q.How much was the total sale of the company ?
Passage 1
Any government that runs on a huge fiscal deficit has to, at some point, finance that deficit by creating money through borrowings. When the government does that, there is more money chasing the same number of goods and services in the economy. The result is a hike in prices, or inflation. At 5.1%, India's fiscal deficit is dangerously high, controlling which should have been the government's highest priority. Raising diesel prices by 14% such that the subsidy bill on the fuel falls will help bring this deficit under control. To put that issue in perspective, at Rs.47,800 crore oil subsidies for the first quarter of the current financial year have already exceeded the full year's budgeted figure.
For consumers already reeling under a double digit onslaught of food prices, the hike in the diesel prices will hurt, no doubt. Part of this increase can be neutralized, by cutting excise duties on the fuel, for instance. But for successive governments that have been unable to curb spending on vote buying schemes- some of them crucial - or on an inflated and unproductive bureaucracy, the other option is to increase taxes and return to the sky high rates of the coercive 1970s, a regime that is best behind us.
This brings us to the next issue: economic growth. With a high fiscal deficit that keeps inflation high, there is no way the RBI will cut interest rates. Even though most ofthe inflationary expectations are coming from goods outside India's control- crude oil imports, a falling rupee and a globally rising food and commodity prices- RBI's stance has been to keep policy rates high so that thousands cut down on discretionary grounds. In the process, home loan EMIs have been rising and along with inflation on one side, scissoring household targets.
Making matters more complex is the fact that today the sovereign has very little control over its finances. Like it or nor, India cant and will not grow at 9% if the rest of the world is contracting, thereby closing business opportunities- there, the UPA government is right. "The political power of the sovereign goes down with every move towards globalization," Kaushik Basu said. "Economics has become an instrument of global, political and even military strategy." To illustrate, Indian farmers and businesses get affected by WTO negotiations, Indian workers by ILO negotiations, Indian fiscal policy by G20 communities, Indian markets by QE3.
Q.Which of the following would help explain the relationship between the interest rates and a high fiscal deficit?
Your father has had a heart attack and needs to be taken to the hospital right away. You are the only one in your house as other family members are on a tour. While you are taking your father to the hospital you see that a small girl has fallen into a deep drain. You will
1. If 4 more books are placed on the shelf, the total number of books on the shelf will be more than 28.
2. If 5 books are removed, the shelf will contain less than 21 books.
Q.: How many books are there on the shell?
An item for sale is marked down 20%. By what percent must it be marked up in order to return to the original selling price?
1. H is the only daughter of X who is wife of M.
2. K and J are brothers of M.
Q.How many children does M have?
You are a district collector in a small district where the local goons are rampant. A particular area is notorious for the instances of goons being involved in eve teasing and rape and has found place in many national media reports. The National Commission for Women (NCW) has pointed this out to you and asked you to do something about it. You will
A tap can fill a tank in 4 hours. After half the tank is filled, two more similar taps are opened. What is the total time taken to fill the tank completely?
You are the administrative authority in a district. A part of your district lies near the coast. Heavy showers have been forecasted and the reservoirs on rivers flowing through the region are already overflowing. You would:
1. set up shelter homes that the seaside residents can move into at short notice.
2. ensure that all warnings from monitoring bodies get disseminated as quickly as possible.
1. P has two sisters M and N.
2. F's mother is sister of M's father.
Q.How is F related to P?