Question 1 to 5 carry One Mark each
According to the weather______it is going to be cloudly today
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In the following questions, a sentence has been given in direct/indirect speech.
She said, “Let them play”.
Select the pair that best express a relationship similar to the one expressed in the question pair:
Ostrich : Bird
A and B together can do a piece of work in 12 days, which B and C together can do in 16 days. After A has
been working it for 5 days and B for 7 days, C finishes it in 13 days. In how many days C alone will do the
Question 6 to 10 carry Two Marks each
The sufficient condition for matrix ‘A’ to be diagonalizable is
If x = ya , y = zb and z = xc then abc = ?
Out of the four alternatives suggested select the one which is correct
The value of X in the following figure is
The piechart shows the distribution of New York market share by volume of different computer companies
in 2005.
Number of units sold in 2005 in New York = 1,500
Value of units sold in 2005 in New York = US$ 16,50,000
For the year 2005, which company has realised the lowest average unit sales price for a PC ?
Question 11 to 35 carry One Mark each
Value of a is ____________
ii is of the form, where (i= sqrt {-1})
6 boys and 6 girls sit in a row randomly. The probability that all the six girls sit together is in the form 1/a. Value of a is ______________.
The value of current I1 is
For a unity feedback system whose open - loop transfer function is the velocity error is _________________
First derivative of th e signal x(t ) will be
Which unit is adopted for magnit ude measurement in Bode plot s.
Aliasing occurs when sampling frequency ωs where ωm is message frequency?
Laplace transform analysis helps in
Which one is not an advant age of SSB over AM
In the common base stage of figure. ICQ = 1mA and β = 7.5 T he input Resistance is
Magnetic field component of a plane wav e in a lossless dielectric is given as
wave is po larized in
A 20 MHz uniform plane wave propagate in lossy dielectric medium which amplit ude is reduced by 20%
aft er every meter traveled. Attenuation constant (Np/m) will be ______________
The figure shows a dependent current source.It
The Laplace transformation of eat cosh(bt) is
The power factor for the circuit shown is
Consider the transistor circuit shown below
The average power dissipated for one cycle of operation is given by
Common Data Questi on s 29 to 30
Two amplifiers A and B are to be connectd in cascade. Find out the order in which the amplifiers must be connected to minimise the noise. Amplifiers A has noise factor of 1.5, gain of 10 dB and amplifier B has noise figure 2 dB, gain of 15 dB.
Determine the equivalent noise temperat ure of bot h the amplifiers assuming the reference temperature of
20°C and compare with that of cascaded amlifier.
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