Synchronous detector is used for demodulation of any signal when the modulation index is
Which of the following system is affected by quadrature null effect?
If a FM transmitter radiates signal with power Pt and modulation index β then
Which of the following systems have less figure of merit?
Which of the following modulations is preferred for voice communication?
Which of the following system cannot achieve maximum power efficiency compared to others?
In a broadcast superheterodynes receiver having no RF amplifier, the loaded Q of the antenna coupling circuit is 100. If the intermediate frequency is 455 kHz. The image frequency at 1000 kHz will be
The antenna current of an AM transmitter is 10 A when the carrier is alone transmitted and is increased to 11 A after modulation.
The power efficiency of the above AM transmitter is____________________ (%)
Input to the matched filter is x(t),which is shown in figure. The value of impulse response of matched filter at t = 5.4 sec is__________________________________________________
The set up shown below is used to convert a Narrow Band FM signal with modulation index = 0.6 to a wide Band FM Signal with frequency deviation equal to 600 KHz and carrier frequency of 12.5 MHz. Then determine nlr n2.
A single tone signal 14Cos(40π x103t) is used to modulate a carrier Accoswct. Then determine the number of channels available in very high frequency (VHF) band for this signal, if amplitude modulation and frequency modulation scheme employs respectively {Assume sensitivity of FM modulator = 10KHz/V}
Determine Bandwidth of signal y(t) in the figure shown below.
For the figure shown below, what should be minimum bandwidth of channel such that the signal x(t) & y(t) can be transmitted through channel simultaneously without any distortion?
A carrier signal Accosukt is frequency modulated using a message signal 3cos103nt. If the signal to noise ratio at input and output of the receiver are found to be 20dB and 40dB respectively, then determine sensitivity of frequency modulator.
For a PM modulator with a deviation sensitivity, K = 2.5 rad/V and a modulating signal Vm(t) = 2 cos (2 π 2000 t), the peak phase deviation m will be -
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