The locus of the resistance 50 Q such that Zo=50Ω for a constructing a smith chart is
A distortion less transmission line hasZ0 = 50Ω,α = 10mNP/m,u = 0.167C (C = 3x 108m/s'), then R and L of transmission line are
If PSWR is power standing wave ratio, then VSWR and PSWR corresponding to r = 0.5∠450 is
Z0 = 600Ω, VSWR = 1.5, the distance at which first maximum occurs is 20cm from the load. If the operating frequency of the transmission line is 300 MHz, then the reflection coefficient is given by
For the transmission line shown below, the voltage which appears at the load
A transmission line having a characteristic impedance of 300fl is feeding a dipole antenna. Frequency of operation is 100 MHz and length of dipole antenna is 1.5m.
Magnitude of reflection coefficient on the line is
A transmission line having a characteristic impedance of 300fl is feeding a dipole antenna. Frequency of operation is 100 MHz and length of dipole antenna is 1.5m.
If Pout from the transmission line is 100 watts, then the power tramsmitted by the antenna is
Consider the impedance matching series
The load impedance ZL is given by
Consider the impedance matching series
The reflection coefficient at the load end is
A uniform plane wave is incident normally on a dielectric interface with the current reflection coefficient, current transmission, current standing wave ration (ISWR) are
In air, a loss less transmission line of length 50 cm with L=10μH/mand C=40 pF/m is operated at 25 MHz. Its electrical path length is
A transmission line is lossless and is 25 m long. It is terminated with a load of zL =40+j30Ω at a frequency of 10 MHz. The inductance and capacitance of the line are L - 300nH/m, C = 40pF/m.
Find β
A transmission line is lossless and is 25 m long. It is terminated with a load of zL =40+j30Ω at a frequency of 10 MHz. The inductance and capacitance of the line are L - 300nH/m, C = 40pF/m.
Find the input impedance at the mid-point of the line.
An air filled rectangular wave guide has dimensions a = 2, b = 1 cm, the range of frequencies over which guide will operate in single mode is given by:
For a rectangular waveguide of dimensions: a √3 × a (in cm) , if cut-off frequency of TE10 mode is 2GHz. What is the cut-off frequency for TM11 in waveguide?
If skin depth at 10 MHz for a conductor is 1/2 π meter then what is the phase velocity for this EM wave?
The potential distribution is given by V = 10y4 + 2x3. If ε0 is permittivity of free space what is charge density (ρ) at (2, 0)
A short vertical grounded antenna is required to radiate at 1 MHz. The effective height of antenna is 302 meter then value of radiation resistance (approximately) is
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