The two vector are RAM = 20ux + 18uy - 10uz and RAN = -10ux + 8uy + 15uz. The u of the triangle that bisects the interior angle at A is:
Two points in cylindrical coordinates are A(ρ = 5, Ø = 700 , z = -3) and B(ρ = 2, Ø = 300 , z = 1) A unit vector at A towards B is:
The surface ρ = 3, ρ = 5, Ø = 1000 ,Ø = 1300 ,z = 3 and z = 4.5 define a closed surface. The enclosed volume is:
The surface ρ = 2, ρ = 4, Ø = 450 ,Ø = 1350 , z = 3 and z = 4 define a closed surface. The total area of the enclosing surface is:
The surface ρ = 3, ρ = 5, Ø = 1000 ,Ø = 1300 , z = 3 and z = 4.5 define a closed surface. The length of the longest straight line that lies entirely within the volume is:
A vector is A = yux +(x+z)uy .At point P(-2, 6, 3) A in cylindrical coordinate is:
The directional derivative of function φ = xy + yz + zx at point P(3, -3, -3) in the directiontoward point Q(4, -1, -1) is:
The temperature in a auditorium is given by T = 2x2 +y2 - 2z2 . A mosquito located at (2, 2, 1) in the auditorium desires to fly in such a direction that it will get warm as soon as possible. The direction, in that it must fly is:
The angle between the normal to the surface x2y + z = 3 and x ln z - y2 = -4 at the point of intersection (-1, 2, 1) is:
The divergence of vector A = yzux + 4xyuy + yuz at point P(1, -2, 3) is:
The flux of over the closed surface of the cylinder 0 ≤ z ≤ 3 , ρ = 3 is:
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25 docs|247 tests