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AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - AP TET MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test AP TET Mock Test Series - AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 for AP TET 2025 is part of AP TET Mock Test Series preparation. The AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 questions and answers have been prepared according to the AP TET exam syllabus.The AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 MCQs are made for AP TET 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 below.
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AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 1

In an extempore speech, the principal of a school asked the students to focus more on vocabulary. He opined that they must adopt the habit of learning the correct use of words. What according to you is the intelligence that is associated with the ability of students to use words effectively?  

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 1

Linguistic Intelligence is associated with the ability of students to use words in a proper way. These students like reading, writing poetry, playing word games, etc. 

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 2

Assertion(A): Teacher and their students visits a zoological park and students can learn about animals more effectively by directly seeing them.
Reason(R): Children can learn more effectively by observational and direct interactional based learning.

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 2

Psychologist Albert Bandura is the researcher most often associated with learning through observation. He and others have demonstrated that we are naturally inclined to engage in observational learning.

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AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 3

According to Kohlberg, a child shows respect for authority and follows the rules during...

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 3

Kohlberg's Theory: Kohlberg's theory is termed, the theory of moral development. The three stages are integrated into three levels - the pre-conventional level, the conventional level (stages 3 and 4), and the post-conventional level (stages 5 and 6) or autonomous level.

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 4

Answer the following question by selecting the most appropriate option.
Which of the following is appropriate for an environment conducive to thinking and learning in children?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 4

The teachers should allow students to make some decisions about what to learn and how to learn. It helps to increase their thinking ability in critical analysis. Also, it points out their strengths and weaknesses and the students can learn well through the diagnosis of the learning gap.
Hence, the correct answer is, 'Allowing students to take some decisions about what to learn and how to learn'.

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 5

Which of the following is not helpful in development of creativity in children?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 5

Lectures are based on theoretical principles, which help students to understand a particular concept. Students won't learn any new things from that. They always think that the lectures are boring. Playing outdoor games make their mind fresh and they also love to play games which develop their mind. So they always try to make something new. Likewise, children love to do experiments so practical work helps them to develop their creativity level. 
Hence, the correct answer is "Lecture".

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 6

Meaningful learning will not take place when:

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 6

Meaningful learning is active, constructive, and long-lasting. Meaningful learning takes place when new information is incorporated in the existing information in the cognitive structure. Information is incorporated in the existing information in the cognitive structure. 

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 7

निर्देश: काव्‍यांश को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्‍नो के सबसे उचित उत्‍तर वाले विकल्‍प का चयन कीजिए-
जब भी
भूख से लड़ने
कोई खड़ा हो जाता है
सुंदर दीखने लगता है
झटपता बाज,
फन उठाए सांप
दो पैरों पर खड़ी
कांटो से नन्‍हीं पत्तियां खाती बकरी,
दबे पांव झाडि़यों में चलता चीता,
डाल पर उलटा लटक
फल कुतरता तोता
या इन सब की जगह
आदमी होता।
जब भी
भूख से लड़ने
कोई खड़ा हो जाता है
सुंदर दीखने लगता है।

Q. निम्‍नलिखित में से वाक्‍य “जो पूरा या भरा हुआ न हो” के लिए एक शब्‍द का चयन कीजिए-

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 7

निम्‍नलिखित में से वाक्‍य “जो पूरा या भरा हुआ न हो” के लिए एक शब्‍द अपूर्ण होगा।
वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द:-

  • किसी वाक्य में प्रयुक्त या स्वतन्त्र किसी वाक्यांश के लिए किसी एक शब्द का प्रयोग किया जाता है, जो उस वाक्यांश के अर्थ को पूरी तरह सिद्ध करता हो तो उसे वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द कहते हैं।
  • अर्थात अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द को प्रयुक्त करना ही वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द कहलाता है।

उदाहरण :-

  • जिस पुस्तक में आठ अध्याय हो - अष्टाध्यायी
  • जिसका भाषा द्वारा वर्णन असंभव हो - अनिर्वचनीय
  • अत्यधिक बढ़ा–चढ़ा कर कही गई बात - अतिशयोक्ति
  • सबसे आगे रहने वाला - अग्रणी
  • जो पहले जन्मा हो - अग्रज
  • जो बाद मे जन्मा हो - अनुज
  • जो इंद्रियों द्वारा न जाना जा सके - अगोचर
  • जिसका पता न हो - अज्ञात
  • आगे आने वाला - आगामी
AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 8

निर्देश: नीचे दिए गए प्रश्न के लिए सबसे सही विकल्प चुनिए ।
भाषा सीखने में होने वाली त्रुटियों के संदर्भ में कौन- सा कथन सत्य नहीं है?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 8

हिन्दी के प्रयोग में तरह-तरह की ग़लतियाँ होती हैं । इन ग़लतियों के कारण कभी-कभी भाषा अटपटी लगती है; कभी अर्थ का अनर्थ हो जाता है तो कभी इसके कारण भाषा क्लिष्ट हो जाती है एवं बनावटी लगती है ।
भाषा सीखने में होने ताली त्रुटियाँ स्थायी नहीं होती हैं ।

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 9

निर्देश : निम्नलिखित पद्यांश को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़कर नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए ।
मैत्री की राह बताने को,
सबको सन्मार्ग पर लाने को,
दुर्योधन को समझाने को,
भीषण विध्वंस बचाने को,
भगवान हस्तिनापुर आए,
पाण्डवों का सन्देश लाए।
'दो न्याय अगर तो आधा दो
पर इसमें भी यदि बाधा हो,
तो दे दो केवल पाँच ग्राम,
रखों अपनी धरती तमाम।
हम वहीं खुशी से खाएँगे,
परिजन पर असि न उठाएँगे।'

Q. न्याय के अनुसार पाण्डवों को क्या मिलना चाहिए था?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 9

न्याय के अनुसार पाण्डवों को आधा राज्य मिलना चाहिए था।
पद्यांश के अनुसार:-

  • दो न्याय अगर तो आधा दो पर इसमें भी यदि बाधा हो,
  • पंक्ति का भावार्थ- श्रीकृष्ण, दुर्योधन के पास पांडवों का यह संदेश लाए थे कि न्याय के अनुसार आधा राज्य दे दो,
    • पर इसमें यदि कोई बाधा हो तो पांडवों को केवल पाँच गाँव ही दे दो। वे वहीं खुशी से रह लेंगे और हथियार नहीं उठाएँगे।
AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 10

निर्देश: गद्यांश को पढ़कर निम्नलिखित मे से सबसे उचित विकल्प चुनिए।
समस्याओं का हल ढूंढने की क्षमता पर एक अध्ययन किया गया। इसमें भारत में तीन तरह के बच्चों के बीच तुलना की गई - एक तरफ़ वे बच्चे जो दुकानदारी करते हैं पर स्कूल नहीं जाते, ऐसे बच्चे जो दुकान सँभालते हैं और स्कूल भी जाते है और तीसरा समूह उन बच्चों का था जो स्कूल जाते है पर दुकान पर कोई मदद नहीं करते।
उनसे गणना के व इबारती सवाल पूछे गए। दोनों ही तरह के सवालों में उन स्कूली बच्चों ने जो दुकानदार नहीं हैं, मौखिक गणित या मनगणित का प्रयोग बहुत कम किया, बनिस्बत उनके जो दुकानदार थे। स्कूली बच्चों ने ऐसी गलतियाँ भी कीं, जिनका कारण नहीं समझा जा सका। इससे यह साबित होता है कि दुकानदारी से जुडे़ हुए बच्चे हिसाब लगाने में गलती नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि है इसका सीधा असर उनके काम पर पड़ता है, जबकि स्कूलों के बच्चे वहीं हिसाब लगाने मेँ अवसर भयंकर ग़लतियाँ कर देते है।
इससे यह स्पष्ट होता है कि जिन बच्चों को रोज़मर्रा की जिंदगी में इस तरह के सवालों से जूझना पड़ता है, वे अपने लिए जरूरी गणितीय क्षमता हासिल कर लेते हैं।
लेकिन साथ ही इस बात पर भी गोर करना महत्त्वपूर्ण है कि इस तरह की दक्षताएँ एक स्तर तक और कार्य- क्षेत्र तक सीमित होकर रह जाती है। इसलिए वे सामाजिक व सांस्कृतिक परिवेश जो कि ज्ञान को बनाने व बढाने में मदद करते है, वहीं उस ज्ञान को संकुचित और सीमित भी कर सकते हैं।

Q. दुकानदार बच्चे हिसाब लगाने में प्राय: ग़लती नहीं करते क्योंकि-

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 10

दुकानदारी से जुडे़ हुए बच्चे हिसाब लगाने में गलती नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि इसका सीधा असर उनके काम पर पड़ता है, जबकि स्कूलों के बच्चे वहीं हिसाब लगाने मेँ अवसर भयंकर गलतियों कर देते है ।

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 11

शिक्षण करते समय छात्रों को सरलतापूर्वक समझाने के लिए शिक्षक को पाठ का सम्बन्ध जोड़ना चाहिए? 

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 11

शिक्षण करते समय छात्रों को सरलतापूर्वक समझने के लिए शिक्षक को पाठ का सम्बन्ध जोड़ना चाहिए-

  • नदी, पर्वत, पेड़, पौधे के साथ
  • खेलो के साथ  
  • पशु-पक्षियों की कहानियों के साथ

अतः, यही विकल्प इस प्रश्न का सही उत्तर है।

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 12

Directions: Answer the following question by selecting the most appropriate option.
Anaesthesia in any part of the body means a loss of sensation, either permanent or temporary. The term is usually used to describe the artificially produced loss of sensation which makes a surgical operation painless.
There are four main types of anaesthesia: General, Spinal, Regional, and Local. Anaesthetics may be given as gases, by inhalation; or as drugs injected into a vein. A patient given general anaesthesia loses consciousness. Anaesthesia of a fairly large area of the body results from injecting the anaesthetic drug into the spinal canal: all that portion of the body below the level at which the drug is injected is anaesthetised. Regional anaesthesia is the injecting of the nerves as they emerge from the spinal column: the anaesthesia induced by this method affects only that area of the body supplied by those nerves. In local anaesthesia, the drug is injected directly at the site of the operative incision and sometimes also into the nearby surrounding tissues.
Formerly, the most commonly used local anaesthetic was cocaine, a drug extracted from the leaves of the coca bush and introduced in 1879. But cocaine has some disadvantages and, sometimes, undesirable side-effects. For spinal, regional and local anaesthesia, procaine, or one of the several modifications of procaine, is now widely used instead of cocaine, for very limited and short operations, such as opening a small abscess. Local anaesthesia may be induced by spraying (rather than injecting) a chemical, ethyl chloride, on a small area of the skin; in changing from the liquid to the gaseous state, this drug freezes the area sprayed, and permits painless incision.

Q. Spinal anaesthesia is resorted to when

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 12

Spinal anaesthesia is resorted to when the operation involves a big area of the body. "Anaesthesia of a fairly large area of the body results from injecting the anaesthetic drug into the spinal canal: all that portion of the body below the level at which the drug is injected is anaesthetised."

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 13

Directions: Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.
Every year about two million people visit Mount Rushmore, where the faces of four U.S. Presidents were carved in granite by sculptor Gutzon Borglum and his son, the late Lincoln Borglum. The creation of Mount Rushmore Monument took 14 years - from 1927 to 1941 - and nearly a million dollars. These were times when money was difficult to come by and many people were jobless. To move the more than 40,000 tons of rock, Borglum hired laid-off workers from the closed-down mines in the Black Hills area. He taught these men to dynamite, drill, carve, and finish the granite as they were hanging in midair in his specially devised chairs. which had many safety features.  Borglum was proud of the fact that no workers were killed or severely injured during the years of blasting and carving.
During the carving, many changes in the original design had to be made to keep the carved heads free of large fissures that were uncovered. However, not all the cracks could be avoided, so Borglum concocted a mixture of granite dust, white lead, and linseed oil to fill them.
Every winter, water from melting snows gets into the fissures and expands as it freezes, making the fissures bigger. Consequently, every autumn maintenance work is done to refill the cracks. The repairers swing out in space over a 500-foot drop and fix the monument with the same mixture that Borglum used to preserve this national monument for future generations.

Q. Borglum's mixture for filling cracks was

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 13

Let's understand the passage.

  • Refer to the line, ''However, not all the cracks could be avoided, Borglum concocted a mixture of granite dust, white lead, and linseed oil to fill them".
  • It is evident in the passage that the mixture for filling cracks was invented by Borglum.

Therefore, The correct answer is "Invented by the sculptor himself".

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 14

Directions: Go through the passage carefully and answer the question that follows:
Summer break was fast approaching, and all Ram wanted to do was to go to a hill station. Unfortunately, Ram’s parents had different plans. They had booked a week-long tropical cruise. Ram hated warm weather and asked if he could just stay at his best friend’s house so he could he could go to any hill station with his buddies. His parents didn’t want to hear anything of it. He kept debating with them about the topic, but they would not change their minds. Family time was important to them, and it was a tradition that they spend the summer break together.
The week of the cruise arrived, and Ram continued to mumble his complaints as he and his family left their house to head south. Ram’s dad told him that he would only make the vacation worse for himself if he didn’t change his attitude and open his mind to a new experience. Ram still couldn’t stop thinking about all the hill stations he was leaving behind.
When they arrived at the port to board the ship, Ram had a hard time admitting that he was actually impressed with the size of the ship. He had seen the brochures but seeing the ship in person was a whole new ball game. Then he remembered that the brochure said something about a surfing pool. Maybe surfing would be somewhat fun at a hill station.
Ram climbed aboard the ship with his parents, and then they walked around to check everything out. He couldn’t believe how extravagant the accommodations were. The dining room looked like a royal hall; the game room had all of his favorite games; the ship’s deck had several different swimming pools for different purposes. Then Ram saw the surfing pool. It was incredible. It wasn’t a big pool, but it had big waves, and the girl who was demonstrating how to ride the waves made it look like a ton of fun.
Ram asked his parents if he could go put his swim shorts on so that he could try surfing. They said, “Of course.” They wanted to put their swim suits on as well, and, much to Ram’s surprise, they wanted to try surfing too.
They enjoyed themselves, and by the time the week-long cruise was over, Ram had new friends he planned to keep in touch with, a new hobby, and great memories. He apologized to his parents for initial moaning and groaning and told them that it was his best vacation ever.

Q. What gained the interest of Ram?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 14

Ram had a hard time admitting that he was actually impressed with the size of the ship.

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 15

In a diverse classroom, learners find it difficult to speak and write good English and often lapse into their mother tongue because:

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 15

In a diverse classroom, learners find it difficult to speak and write good English and often lapse into their mother tongue because they lack enough competence and the structures of the two languages are different. Competence is the skill or ability in a specific field or subject or being able to do something well. Hence, the correct answer is 'they lack enough competence and the structures of the two languages are different'.

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 16

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Halku came in and said to his wife, ‘Sahna is at the door. Come on, give me the money you have. Let me pay him and be rid of the noose.’
His wife, Munni, was sweeping the floor. She turned her face towards him and said, ‘Three rupees is all I have. If we give these up, how shall you buy a blanket? How’ll you face the winter nights guarding the crop. Tell him, we shall pay at the time of harvest. Not now.’
Halku stood quietly for a moment, unsure of himself. The month of Poos, the peak of winter, was at hand and he won’t be able to sleep out in the field without a blanket. But Sahna won’t relent. He will threaten and curse. It was better to face the winter somehow and be rid of this trouble. Halku , carrying his heavy weight (which disproved his name which meant ‘light- weight’), moved towards his wife and said in a cajoling voice, ‘Come on, please give me the money. Let me get rid of this. I shall find a blanket somehow.’
Munni moved away from him, arching her eyes. ‘What’ll you do?  Will someone give you a blanket in charity? God knows how much more we owe him. There’s no end to it. I say, stop tilling the land. Kill yourself toiling, and when the harvest is ready, hand it over to him. That’s the end. We’re born to remain under debt. And then slave as a labour to fill our stomach. What use is this tillage? I won’t give you the money. I won’t.’
‘So I should face the insults?’ Halku said in a melancholy tone.
‘How can he insult you? Is he the king?’ shouted Munni.
But the taut eyebrows were lowered just as she uttered these words. There was a bitter truth in Halku’s words that stared at them like a fierce animal.
She went up to the niche in the wall, took out the rupees and placed them on Halku’s palm. ‘You stop tilling the land. We shall feed ourselves through our daily labour peacefully. And we won’t have to face the insults. What sort of tilling is this? Earn something by labouring and push that too into this fire. And over and above, this bullying.

Q. Which of the following is false?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 16

Refer to the lines: Munni moved away from him, arching her eyes. ‘What’ll you do?  Will someone give you a blanket in charity? God knows how much more we owe him. There’s no end to it. I say, stop tilling the land. Kill yourself toiling, and when the harvest is ready, hand it over to him. That’s the end. We’re born to remain under debt. And then slave as a labour to fill our stomach. What use is this tillage? I won’t give you the money. I won’t.’

  • ​Thus, it can be concluded that Munni didn't give the money to Halku. Thus, option 1 is true.

Refer to the lines: Halku stood quietly for a moment, unsure of himself. The month of Poos, the peak of winter, was at hand and he won’t be able to sleep out in the field without a blanket.

  • Thus, it can be concluded that Halku used to sleep outside in fields in cold. Thus, option 2 is true.

Refer to the lines: Halku , carrying his heavy weight (which disproved his name which meant ‘light- weight’), moved towards his wife and said in a cajoling voice, ‘Come on, please give me the money. Let me get rid of this. I shall find a blanket somehow.’​

  • Thus, it can be concluded that Halku was heavy weighted. Thus, option 3 is false.

Hence, option 3 is false.

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 17

Directions: Read the poem given below and answer the question that follows by selecting the most appropriate option.
Victorious men of earth, no more
Proclaim how wide your empires are;
Though you bind-in every shore
And your triumphs reach as far
As night or day,
Yet you, proud monarchs, must obey
And mingle with forgotten ashes, when
Death calls ye to the crowd of common men.
Devouring famine, plague and war,
Each able to undo mankind,
Death’s servile emissaries are;
Nor to these alone confined,
He hath at will
More quaint and subtle ways to kill;
A smile or kiss, as he will use the art,
Shall have the cunning skill to break a heart.

Q. "And your triumphs reach as far as night or day,"
___ the poetic device found in these words is a

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 17

A simile is a figure of speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared, as in "she is like a rose". A simile is a comparison that uses "like" or "as" in the comparison.
Here, 'triumphs' is compared with 'day or night'.

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 18

Lara is an expert teacher. She always prepares 'teaching points' as it helps her in

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 18

Preparing teaching points for a lecture is very important for a teacher as it leads to effective teaching.

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 19

Ria is unable to pronounce the words 'smile' and 'school' clearly. As her teacher, what will you do?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 19

Make Ria understand the meaning and sound pattern and get the class as a whole to listen to these words through an audio-visual medium as audio-visual education or multimedia-based education is instruction where particular attention is paid to the audio and visual presentation of the material with the goal of improving comprehension and retention.
Hence, the correct answer is 'Make Ria understand the meaning and sound pattern and get the class as a whole to listen to these words through an audio-visual medium'.

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 20

Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow:
The National Statistical Office (NSO) released a set of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) numbers earlier this week. The most recent data, namely, GDP growth for the quarter ending December 2022, came at 4.4%. This is 30 basis points (0.3 percentage point) lower than what a Bloomberg poll of economists expected the number to be. NSO has retained a projection of 7% growth in 2022-23 between its first and second advance estimates, which means that GDP growth in the quarter ending March will have to be 5.1%. This goes against the widespread opinion among economists that the Indian economy is losing, not gaining growth momentum at the moment. 
NSO’s latest data release includes other sets of GDP numbers as well. They include the first revised estimate for 2021-22, the second revised estimate for 2020-21 and the final estimate for 2019-20. It is not Chanakya’s intent to overwhelm the readers with bureaucratic processes involving the release of statistics, but these revisions to past GDP numbers have significantly changed the facts as far as the Indian economy’s performance is concerned. GDP growth rates for 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 have been revised upwards from the earlier figures of 3.7%, -6.6% and 8.7% to 3.9%, -5.8% and 9.1%, respectively. 
The revisions have had an effect on the latest growth statistics as well. If the December 2022 quarter GDP was compared to the December 2021 GDP numbers before the latest revision, the economy would have shown an expansion of 5.1% instead of 4.4%. To be sure, there is nothing one can do about this problem of comparing hitherto revised statistics with one that will undergo a revision two years down the line. And while one can claim to be wise in hindsight, Chanakya believes that such large adjustments in a crucial economic indicator like GDP have a blindsiding effect on economic policy which ideally requires data in real-time.
But deficiencies in our statistical system are a topic for another column; let us return to the state of the economy at the moment. Any modern economy has its share of headwinds and tailwinds to growth at a given moment in time. What are the most pressing headwinds for the Indian economy right now? First is the dissipation of pent-up consumption demand, which soared after being shackled due to pandemic-era restrictions. Private consumption is the single most important driver of the Indian economy. It had a share of 60% in total GDP in the December 2022 quarter. This is not to say that private consumption is going to plunge.

Q. Which of the following best describes the impact of GDP revisions on economic policy, according to the passage?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 20
  • The first and last sentence of the third paragraph says that "The revisions have had an effect on the latest growth statistics as well...GDP have a blindsiding effect on economic policy which ideally requires data in real-time."
  • Therefore from the above sentence, we can certainly say that large adjustments in GDP numbers can have a blindsiding effect on economic policy, which ideally requires real-time data. This suggests that revisions to GDP numbers can significantly impact economic policy decisions.

Hence, the only possible answer is option 2.

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 21

The most appropriate strategy that can be used to internalize the skill of addition of money is:

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 21

Role-play is one of the types of method of instruction in the field of addition that meets these needs like; individuals take on the roles of other people and act out the others feelings, thoughts, and behaviour by assuming or dictating as same as others.

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 22

Which of the following statements is true with respect to the objectives of mathematics at the primary level?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 22

Mathematics is the study of numbers, shape, quantity, and patterns. Mathematics is the ‘queen of all sciences’ and its presence is there in all the subjects. 

  • The teaching of mathematics should be done in a pre-defined order that is psychologically organized as per the needs of the students. 
  • An objective in teaching may better be defined "as the desired change in behavior in a person that we try to bring about through education". 
AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 23

Isosceles trapezium have how many lines of symmetry?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 23

Symmetry:- The state of having two halves that match each other exactly in size, shape, etc.
The imaginary line or axis along which you can fold a figure to obtain the symmetrical halves is called the line of symmetry.

∴ Isosceles trapezium has one line of symmetry.

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 24

Fill in the blanks 
The least number by which 125 be multiplied to make it a perfect square is _____________.

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 24

To make it a perfect square, we have to make pairs of its prime factors
125 = 5 × 5 × 5
Here, we have to multiply it with 5 to make two pairs of 5
125 × 5 = 625
625 = 5 × 5 × 5 × 5.
Hence, the least number is 5.

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 25

Identify the incorrect statement.

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 25

Mathematics is based on practical usability in all aspects of life as it applies in every aspect of our life from buying clothes to sharing and making our food. 

  • Mensuration is that part of mathematics which has very vast applicability in our life. 
  • It deals with quantifying and estimating different types of geometric figures and their attributes such as length, volume, shape, perimeter, area, etc.
AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 26

Sarita's teacher engages her in a number of group activities such as group discussions, group projects, etc. Which learning dimension is her teacher following?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 26

Sarita's teacher is following learning as a social activity. Group work creates more opportunities for critical thinking and can promote student learning and achievement. Student group work enhances skills like communication and other professional development skills. All of these skills are critical to successful teamwork in the classroom.
Hence, the correct answer is, 'Learning as a social activity.'

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 27

How many biosphere reserves are there in India?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 27

The Indian government has built up around 18 biosphere reserves in India, which secure bigger ranges of characteristic living space (than a national park or animal sanctuary), and frequently incorporate one or more national parks alongside support zones that are interested in some monetary employments.

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 28

The amount of water present in the air is called

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 28

Stickiness is the measure of water vapor noticeable all around. Water vapor is the vaporous condition of water and is undetectable. Stickiness demonstrates the probability of precipitation, dew or haze.

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 29

Which of the following found in ladyfinger?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 29

Ladyfinger is a vegetable and is also known as Okra. It is cultivated in sub-tropical, tropical and warm temperate regions around the world. It is rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin K.
Hence, the correct answer is "Vitamin 'C'".

AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 30

In an EVS class, a teacher asked the students to draw and paint different historical monuments like Red Fort, etc. Which of the following skills is intended to develop through this activity?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 1 Mock Test - 5 - Question 30

Environmental studies are the study of the environment in the context of earth and living things. It is more concerned with the scientific attitude to explore, investigate, and develop an understanding of our natural, human, social and cultural dimensions of local and wider environments.

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