Fill in the blank with the correct word.
State ownership of the country's productive resources may unfortunately rather than ameliorate environmental problems.
Directions: The table lists the size of building lots in the Orange Grove subdivision and the people who are planning to build on those lots. For each lot, installation of utilities costs $12,516. The city charges impact fees of $3,879 per lot. There are also development fees of 16.15 cents per square foot of land.
A reservoir will be filled in 12 hours if two pipes function simultaneously. The second pipe fills the reservoir 10 hours faster than the first. How many hours will the second pipe take to fill the reservoir?
The fuel consumed by a motorcycle during a journey while traveling at various speeds is indicated in the graph below:
The distances covered during four laps of the journey are listed in the table below:
From the given data, we can conclude that the fuel consumed per kilometre was least during the lap
f T = | eigen values of B are in Z}, then which of the following statement(s) is true?
Let σ be the 12- cycles (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12) for which positive integer i is σi also a 12 cycle?
Number of elements of order p in Zp2q where p and q are distinct prime is;
For which value of the system of linear equation,
have no solution?
Ifu is harmonic on is the normal derivative of u onthe boundary of the unit disc,then what is the value of ?
Let .Notice that A contains every integer from 1 to 9 and that the sums of each row, column, and diagonal of A are equal. Such a grid is sometimes called a magic square. Compute the determinant of A.
Let for all real x and y. If f’(0) exists and equals – 1 and f(0) = 1, then find f(2).
Let denote the eigenvalues of the matrix
If , then the set of possible values of t, -π ≤ t < π, is
The radius of convergence of the series , where a0 = 1. an = 3-n an-1 for n ∈ ℕ, is
Cosider the initial value problem y" +2y' +6y = 0, y(0) =2; y' (0) = α ≥ 0. Let x() be the smallest possible value of x, for which y= 0. Then is
Consider f : ℝ2 →ℝ defined by
Then which of the following statements is correct?
The wronskian of two solutions of the differential equation t2y'' - t(t+2)y' + (t+2)y = 0 satisfies W (1) = 1 is
Length of the curve y = x3/2 from point (0,0) to (4, 8) is equal to
What is the number of subgroups of S4 of order 12 ?
If what is the value of this integral the circular path x2 + y2 = 1 ?
The solution of the initial value problem is (Ansiver should be integer) ________.