Which, among the following qualities, is not affected by the magnetic field?
When a charged particle moves at right angles to the magnetic field, the variable quantity is?
If the flow of electric current is parallel to the magnetic field, the force will be ______
The ratio of magnetic force to electric force on a charged particle getting undeflected in a field is?
What is the strength of magnetic field known as ________
Magnetic field lines ___________ at the north pole.
Magnetic field lines ___________ at the south pole.
Which of the following is used to determine the direction of magnetic field in a current carrying conductor?
According to Flemming’s left hand rule, the index finger denotes?
According to Flemming’s left hand rule, the middle finger denotes?
According to Flemming’s left hand rule, the thumb denotes?
The relation between the direction of force and the direction of magnetic field is _________
The relation between the direction of current and the direction of magnetic field is ________
The relation between the direction of current and the direction of force is _________
57 docs|62 tests