Among the following, which is the right formula for inductance?
Among the following, which is the right formula for inductance?
For a coil having a magnetic circuit of constant reluctance, the flux is ___________ to the current.
For a coil having a magnetic circuit of constant reluctance, if the flux increases, what happens to the current?
The unit for inductance is ___________
If either the inductance or the rate of change of current is doubled, the induced e.m.f?
If the current changes from 5A to 3A in 2 seconds and the inductance is 10H, calculate the emf.
If the current changes from 5A to 3A in x sec and inductance is 10H. The emf is 10V, calculate the value of x.
If the current changes from 3A to 5A in 2s and the emf is 10V. Calculate the inductance.
If the current changes from 20A to 10A in 5 seconds and the value of inductance is 1H, calculate the emf induced.
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