The Snell’s law can be derived from which type of incidence?
Calculate the ratio of sine of incident angle to the sine of reflected angle when the refractive indices of medium 1 and 2 are given as 2.33 and 1.66 respectively.
Find the ratio of the refractive index of medium 1 to that of medium 2, when the incident and reflected angles are given by 300 and 450 respectively.
The refractive index of a medium with permittivity of 2 and permeability of 3 is given by
The critical angle is defined as the angle of incidence at which the total internal reflection starts to occur. State True/False.
The critical angle for two media of refractive indices of medium 1 and 2 given by 2 and 1 respectively is
The critical angle for two media with permittivities of 16 and 9 respectively is
The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection for perfect reflection. State True/False.
The angle of incidence of a wave of a wave with angle of transmission 45 degree and the refractive indices of the two media given by 2 and 1.3 is
The angle at which the wave must be transmitted in air media if the angle of reflection is 45 degree is
For a critical angle of 60 degree and the refractive index of the first medium is 1.732, the refractive index of the second medium is
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