Consider the following statements:
1. The cool temperate western margins are under the permanent influence of the Westerlies all round the year.
2. They are also regions of much cyclonic activity.
Choose the correct code:
There is so much oceanic influence on both the temperature and the precipitation that the climate is also referred to as the:
Consider the following statements:
1. In North America, the high Rockies prevent the on-shore Westerlies from penetrating far inland.
2. In the southern hemisphere, the climate is experienced in southern Chile, Tasmania, and most parts of New Zealand.
Choose the incorrect code:
Consider the following statements:
1. In the British type mean annual temperatures are usually between 40°F. and 60°F.
2. The warmest month in London is the 63°F. and the coldest month is just around 40°F.
3. The annual temperature range of only 24°F.
Choose the correct code:
Consider the following statements:
1. The climate is ideal for maximum comfort and mental alertness.
2. In cool temperate western margins, people can work for long hours without feeling drowsy and lethargic as they do in the tropics.
Choose the correct code:
Consider the following statements:
1. The climate of the maritime regions as a whole may be described as equable with moderately warm summers and fairly mild winters.
2. Tasmania that the British type of climate in the southern hemisphere is even more equable.
Choose the correct code:
Consider the following statements:
1. The British type of climate has adequate rainfall throughout the year with a tendency towards a slight winter or autumn maximum from cyclonic sources.
2. The rain-bearing winds come from the east, the eastern margins have the heaviest rainfall.
Choose the correct code:
Consider the following statements:
1. Relief can make great differences in the annual amount.
2. In the British climate type light snowfalls can be expected in the winter months.
Choose the correct code:
Consider the following statements:
1. In the Scandinavian Mountains and the American Rockies snowfall is heavy and feeds the mountain glaciers that move down the valleys.
2. Winter is the season of cloudy skies, foggy and misty mornings.
Choose the correct code:
Consider the following statements:
1. Spring is the driest and the most refreshing season when people emerge from the depressing winter.
2. With the roar of gusty winds and the fall of 'golden' leaves, autumn is ushered in.
Choose the correct code: