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 | Mindmap: Acid, Bases and Salts Doc | 1 pages |  |
 | Mindmap: Physical and Chemical ChangeFREE Doc | 1 pages |  |
 | Mindmap: Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate Doc | 1 pages |  |
 | Mindmap: Wind, Storms and Cyclones Doc | 1 pages |  |
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 | Mindmap: Transportation in Animals and Plants Doc | 1 pages |  |
 | Mindmap: Reproduction in Plants Doc | 1 pages |  |
 | Mindmap: Motion and Time Doc | 1 pages |  |
 | Mindmap: Electric Current and its Effects Doc | 1 pages |  |
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 | Mindmap: Water - A Precious Resource Doc | 1 pages |  |
 | Mindmap: Forest - Our Lifeline Doc | 1 pages |  |
 | Mindmap: Wastewater Story Doc | 1 pages |  |