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Study Material for CAT Syllabus

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Why students choose EduRev for their CAT Exam 4.6 (150K+ ratings)
Why students choose EduRev for their CAT Exam
4.6 (150K+ ratings)

Why CAT Exam?

For those looking for a career in the corporate world, giving the CAT exam is a great way to move forward and make the most of their potential.
MBA is an ideal higher education option for aspiring students in India as it provides numerous job opportunities, greater responsibility, and the chance to network with other business professionals.
If you wish to gain an in-depth understanding of the CAT Exam, it is highly encouraged that you read through this article titled "About CAT Exam"

What is CAT Exam Syllabus & Pattern?

It's essential to be familiar with the syllabus and the pattern of the IIM CAT Exam for an effective CAT preparation.
CAT Exam Syllabus:
The CAT exam does not have a set syllabus, but the types and difficulty of the questions have remained consistent over the years.  EduRev provides you with a comprehensive list of the topics covered in the CAT Syllabus along with the weightage of each topic.

Cat Paper Pattern:

  • The CAT exam is a computer-based test (CBT) and the duration of the test is 180 minutes (3 hours).
  • There are a total of 100 questions which are divided into three sections (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative Ability)
  • Negative marking for each wrong answer &The number of questions in each section or the weightage of each section may vary.

How to prepare for CAT with EduRev?

Everybody teaches, but not LIKE US. We have built a world-class academic delivery model based on in-depth understanding of a Learner’s needs.
Smart Preparation is required to ace the CAT exam and hard meaningless preparation that consumes lot of your time with lesser gain should be avoided.

1. Section-wise Preparation Courses

2. CAT Mock Tests

3. How to Prepare for CAT Exam

4. CAT 100 RCs for Practice

5. CAT Crash Course

6. Mock Tests for other MBA Exams

7. CAT Interview Preparation Guide

8. CAT Previous Year Papers

Important Links for CAT 

CAT Study Material on EduRev

Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension

Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning

Quantitative Aptitude

CAT 100 RCs for Practice

Crash Course for CAT Exam

Level-wise Tests for CAT Preparation

Mock Tests for CAT

How to Prepare for CAT Exam

CAT Bible: 11 Steps to Clear CAT Exam

How to Prepare For Quant in CAT

How to Prepare For VARC in CAT

How to Prepare For LRDI in CAT

How To Prepare For CAT Exam at Home

CAT Exam Previous Year Papers

120 Days Study Plan For CAT Exam

Interview Preparation Guide

Mock Tests Series for All other MBA Exams

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q.1. How can I prepare for CAT exam at home?

The following are some preparation tips that will help candidates in their CAT Exam preparation from home.

  • Syllabus and Exam Pattern: Before getting into the preparation tips for the CAT Exam, the first thing one should know is the syllabus of CAT and the exam pattern in detail.
  • Time Management: Make a detailed timetable and allot appropriate time for each subject, as well as time for revision, practice sessions, newspaper reading and taking mock examinations.
  • Study Material: Choose the right reading material for your CAT preparation.  We at EduRev provide study materials in the form of video lectures, online tests, notes and a lot more to help you prepare for CAT from home.
  • Past Year Papers & Mock Tests: CAT online test series, Past Year Papers & Mock Tests will show you how much you need to study and which topic to study more. Attempt CAT questions more and more.

Q.2. What is EduRev Infinity Package for CAT & How does help me to achieve great result?

  • EduRev Infinity package for CAT is the best online coaching course for CAT MBA that provides video lectures and notes, topic wise tests, solved CAT previous year question papers, shortcuts and tricks, CAT online test series, Subject-wise & Level-wise practice tests with detailed solutions and a lot more to help you crack the CAT Exam easily.
  • The CAT courses are designed to provide you with a clear understanding and conceptual clarity of the entire CAT syllabus.

Q.3. Is CAT easy to pass?

  • CAT is a moderately tough exam, but it can become easy if you start preparing early and practice all three sections thoroughly.
  • In order to pass CAT, you need to have a clear end goal, which should not just be passing the exam, but also scoring 99 percentile in the first attempt. To do so, you need to be good at solving the questions on the basis of the most rudimentary concepts.

Q.4. Is 3 months enough for CAT exam?

  • Three months may not be enough for CAT exam preparation if you are starting from scratch. The optimal time for CAT preparation depends on the individual. 
  • Generally speaking, candidates should give themselves at least 4-5 months of preparation before the exam. This will provide them with enough time to cover all the topics and practice question papers. 
  • It is important to understand your strengths and weaknesses and plan your preparations accordingly. Additionally, candidates should also focus on improving their time management skills and accuracy while solving questions.

Q.5. Can I crack CAT if I am weak in maths?

  • Yes, it is possible to crack CAT even if you are weak in maths. It is important to understand that CAT is a comprehensive exam that tests your overall aptitude, and not just mathematics.
  • You can focus on improving your other skills such as logical reasoning, data interpretation, and verbal ability. With the right approach and determination, you can crack the CAT even if you are weak in maths.
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