Card: 2 / 20 |
The Square Root Of A Number Is A Value That, When Multiplied By Itself, Gives The Original Number. For Example, √9 = 3 Because 3² = 9. |
Card: 4 / 20 |
To Multiply Square Roots, Multiply The Values Inside The Square Roots And Then Find The Square Root Of The Result. For Example, √2 * √8 = √(2*8) = √16 = 4. |
Card: 6 / 20 |
To Simplify Square Roots, Find The Prime Factors Of The Number Inside The Square Root And Look For Pairs Of Factors. For Example, √18 = √(9*2) = 3√2. |
Card: 9 / 20 |
Solve the equation: √(x + 3) = 7. Hint: Start by squaring both sides to remove the square root. |
Card: 10 / 20 |
Square Both Sides: (√(X + 3))² = 7², Which Simplifies To X + 3 = 49. Subtract 3 From Both Sides: X = 46. |
Card: 12 / 20 |
The Formula States That √(A * B) = √A * √B. For Example, √(4 * 9) = √4 * √9 = 2 * 3 = 6. |
Card: 14 / 20 |
The Formula States That √(A / B) = √A / √B. For Example, √(25 / 4) = √25 / √4 = 5 / 2. |